1 Hatred is evil, since it is continually a companion with lying, speaking against the truth; it makes small things big, turns light into darkness, says that the sweet is bitter, teaches slander, conflict, violence, and all manner of covetousness; it fills the heart with diabolical venom.

2 These things, therefore, I say to you from experience, my children, that you may drive forth hatred, which is of the devil, and cleave to the love of Elohim.

3 Righteousness expels hatred; humility kills envy. For the person who is just and humble is ashamed to commit an injustice, not because someone else will pass judgement on him but out of his own heart, because 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 considers his inner deliberations.

4 He will not speak against a fellow man, since reverence of the Most High overcomes hatred.

5 Being concerned not to arouse 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄’s anger, he is completely unwilling to wrong anyone, even in his thoughts.

6 I understood this at the last, after I had repented concerning Yosĕph.

7 For according to Elohim’s truth, repentance destroys disobedience, puts darkness to flight, illumines the vision, furnishes knowledge for the soul, and guides the mind to deliverance.

8 What it has not learned from human means, it understands through repentance.

9 For Elohim brought on me a disease of the liver, and if it had not been for the prayers of Ya’aqoḇ, my father, he would shortly have summoned from me my spirit.

10 For by whatever human capacity anyone transgresses, by that he is also chastised.

11 Since, therefore, my liver was set mercilessly against Yosĕph, in my liver too I suffered mercilessly, and was judged for eleven months, for so long a time as I had been angry against Yosĕph.