1 In the morning before entering the city, I gathered my family together consisting of my seven wives, my fifty daughters, my twelve adopted sons, and three hundred and fifty menservants whom Shĕm had sent with their families, being in all six thousand three hundred and seventy souls.
2 And I said unto them, Behold, this great city is steeped in wickedness and sin for the secret combinations which was from the beginning doth hold her sway.
3 Wherefore, ye shall remain here under the direction of Eli’ezer while I go alone into the city unto my father’s house, for 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 Elohim of Shĕm and of Noaḥ hath promised me that He will protect me against the anger of the sovereign such that I shall be able to accomplish my mission.
4 I led my family in prayer before 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, kissed them all and departing from them, entered into the city.