Names and Glossary

Titles of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄: YHWH, Yahuah
𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄: Self Existent One: I Am Who I Am
𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 Nissi: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 my banner
𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 Rapha: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 the healer
𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 Shalom: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 send peace
𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 Shammah: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is there
𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 TsidqΔ•nu: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 our righteousness
𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 Yireh: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 will provide
𐀀𐀄𐀉𐀄 AHAYAH: I AM, I Be, First-person of Yahayah, Combination of Ah and Hayah meaning: I create existence or I exist

𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀔𐀏: Yahushua
𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 :𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀔𐀏  is salvation

* pagan deity or of pagan origin
† of uncertain or foreign origin
E of Egyptian origin
G of Greek origin
L of Latin origin
P of Persian origin

Note: Many names containing the β€˜Trigrammaton’ – Yahu sometimes appear in the abbreviated form ending in Yah. This name study only lists the full name of such individuals.

Abaddon: destruction
AαΈ‡aαΈ‘tha†: father given
AαΈ‡anah: stony
AαΈ‡arim: regions beyond
Abba: father
AαΈ‡da: a servant, servitude
AαΈ‡de’ĕl: servant of Δ”l
AαΈ‡di: my servant
AαΈ‡di’ĕl: my servant of Δ”l
AαΈ‡don: servitude
Aḇĕḏ-Nego†: (light) servant of Nego*
Abel ha’Shittim: plain of the acacias
AαΈ‡Δ•l Keramim: field of vineyards
AαΈ‡Δ•l Mayim: field of waters
AαΈ‡Δ•l Meholah: meadow of dancing
AαΈ‡Δ•l Mitsrayim: plain of defences
AαΈ‡Δ•l: plain, meadow, field
AαΈ‡i: my father
AαΈ‡i-Albon: my father my Δ”l
AαΈ‡iαΈ‡: green fruit, ears of corn
AαΈ‡iḏa: my father of knowledge
AαΈ‡iḏan: my father of judgment
AαΈ‡i’ĕl: my father Δ”l
AαΈ‡i’ezer: my father of help
AαΈ‡iαΈ‘ayil: my father’s joy
AαΈ‡iαΈ₯ayil: my father’s strength
AαΈ‡ihu: my father is he
AαΈ‡ihuḏ: my father’s renown
AαΈ‡ilΔ•nΔ•: my father of mourning
AαΈ‡ima’ĕl: my father from Δ”l
AαΈ‡imeleαΈ΅: my father the sovereign
AαΈ‡inaḏaαΈ‡: my father is generous
AαΈ‡ino’am: my father’s delight
AαΈ‡iram: my father most high
AαΈ‡ishaαΈ‘: my father’s error
AαΈ‡ishai: my father’s gift
AαΈ‡ishalom: my father of peace
AαΈ‡ishua: my father of salvation
AαΈ‡ishur: my father of the wall – stonemason
AαΈ‡ital: my father’s dew
AαΈ‡ituαΈ‡: my father’s goodness
AαΈ‡iyahu: my father is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
AαΈ‡iyam: my father of the sea
AαΈ‡iyasaph: my father’s gathering
AαΈ‡nΔ•r: father of light
AαΈ‡raham: father of a great multitude
AαΈ‡ram: father most high
AαΈ‡ronah: passage
AαΈ‡shalom: father of peace
Aḏaḏ†: (mighty) Hadad
Aḏaḏah: festive assembly
Aḏah: passed, adorned
AḏalyaP: drawn up of Yah
Aḏam: of the ground, reddish
Aḏamah: of the ground, reddish
Aḏami NeqeαΈ‡: earthen cave
Aḏar / Addar: great, eminent
Aḏayahu: adorned of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Aḏbe’ĕl: disciplined of Δ”l
Addan: strong, firm
Addi: my ornament
Addon: master, powerful
Aḏon: Master
Aḏi’ĕl: ornament of Δ”l
Aḏin / Aḏina: adorned, voluptuous
Aḏino: his spear, adornment
Aḏithayim: double prey, attacks
Aḏlai: my justice
Aḏmah: of the ground, reddish
AḏmathaP: testimony
Aḏna / Aḏnah: pleasure, delight
Aḏonai: my Master
Adoni-Bezeq: my master of lightning
Aḏoni-Tseḏeq: my master of righteousness
Aḏoniqam: my master is raised
Aḏoniram: my master is most high
Aḏoniyahu: my master is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Aḏoram: my master is most high
Aḏorayim: splendours, eminences
Aḏrammeleḡ*: splendour of the sovereign
Adramyttium†: abode of death
Aḏri’ĕl: the flock of Δ”l
Aḏullam: justice of the people
Aḏummim: of the ground, reddish ones
AαΈ‘aḑ†: I overthrow, flame
AαΈ‘e†: I increase
AgrippasG: hero-like
AαΈ‘ur: gathered, harvest
AαΈ₯aαΈ‡: brother of the father
AαΈ₯arαΈ₯Δ•l: safe, entrenched
Aharon†: blood is shed
AαΈ₯asbai: brother of a drunkard
AαΈ₯ashwΔ•roshP: (Ahasuerus) I will be silent and poor
Ahawa†: subsistence
AαΈ₯az: seized, possessor
AαΈ₯azyahu: seized of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
AαΈ₯ban: brother of understanding
AαΈ₯Δ•r: following
AαΈ₯i: my brother, my brethren
AαΈ₯i’ezer: my brother helps
AαΈ₯ihuḏ: my brother’s renown
AαΈ₯iluḏ: my brother begotten
AαΈ₯ima’ats: my brother’s anger
AαΈ₯iman: my brother’s gift
AαΈ₯imeleαΈ΅: my brother the sovereign
AαΈ₯imoth: my brother’s death
AαΈ₯inaḏaαΈ‡: my brother is willing
AαΈ₯ino’am: my brother is pleasant
AαΈ₯iqam: my brother who raises up
AαΈ₯ira: my brother of iniquity
AαΈ₯iram: my brother on high
AαΈ₯isamaαΈ΅: my brother’s support
AαΈ₯ishaαΈ₯ar: my brother of the dawn
AαΈ₯ishar: my brother sang
AαΈ₯ithophel: my brother’s folly
AαΈ₯ituαΈ‡: my brother’s goodness
AαΈ₯iyahu: my brother of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
AαΈ₯laαΈ‡: fatness / brother’s fertility
AαΈ₯lai: beseeching, wishful
AhmethaP: brother of death
AαΈ₯oαΈ₯ite: (brotherly) of AαΈ₯owaαΈ₯
AαΈ₯owaαΈ₯: brotherly
AαΈ₯raαΈ₯: after his brother
AαΈ₯umai: my brother of waters
AαΈ₯uzzam: seizure
AαΈ₯uzzath: take possession
AαΈ₯yam: brother of mother
AαΈ₯yan: brother of wine
AαΈ₯yo: brotherly, his brother
AαΈ₯zai: my possessor
Ai: ruin, heap
Aineas†: praised, praiseworthy
AαΈ΅aia†: grief, trouble
AαΈ΅aikos†: (trouble) of Akaia
AαΈ΅an / AαΈ΅ar: he that troubles
AαΈ΅bor: rat, attacking
AαΈ΅ish†: thus it is, how is this
Akkaḏ†: strengthened, fortress
Akko: surrounded, a bay
AαΈ΅or: trouble
AαΈ΅sah: anklet, tinkling ornament
AαΈ΅shaph: enchantment, sorcery
AαΈ΅ziαΈ‡: deceitful, falsehood
Alemeth: concealed, covering
AlexandriaG: of Alexandras
AlexandrasG: defender of man
AllammeleαΈ΅: oak of the sovereign
Allon: terebinth, oak
Allon BaαΈ΅uth: oak of weeping
Almodad†: not measured
Almon DiαΈ‡lathayemah: hidden fig cakes
Almon: hidden
Aloth: mistresses
Alush: knead
Alwah / Alyah: iniquity: wickedness
Alwan / Alyan: ascended
Amaḏ: people of time
Amal: labor, iniquity
AmalΔ•q†: valley dweller
Amam: gathering, their mother
Amanah: firm, covenant
Amaryahu: spoken of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Amasa: burden
Amasai: my burden
Amashesai: burdensome
Amasyah: burdened of Yah
Amatsyahu: strength of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Ami: my strength, my mother
Amittai: my truth
Ammah: mother
Ammah: cubit/s
Amma’us: warm springs, mules
Ammi: my people
Ammi’ĕl: people of Δ”l
Ammihuḏ: my people of splendor
AmminaḏaαΈ‡: my people of generosity
Ammishaddai: people of the Almighty
AmmizaαΈ‡aḏ: my people are endowed
Ammon: people, tribe
Amnon: trustworthy
Amoq: valley, depth
Amon: built up, trained
Amorah: heap, ruin
Amorite: (talker) of Amar
Amos: burdensome, weighty
Amots: strong
AmphipolisG: city surrounded by water
AmpliasL: large, extensive
Amram: exalted people
Amraphel: speaker of secrets
Amtsi: my strength
AnaαΈ‡ / AnuαΈ‡: grape, bear fruit
Anah: answer
AnaαΈ₯arath: narrow gorge
Anamim: affliction of the waters
AnammeleαΈ΅*: sovereign who answers
Anan: cloud
Anani: cloudy
Ananyah: cloud of Yah
Anaq: necklace, collar
Anaqim: of Anaq
Anath / Anathoth: answer, answers
Anathema: accursed
Anayah: answered of Yah
Andri: where is my dwelling?
AndronikosG: man of victory
AnΔ•m: fountains
AnΔ•r: light, youth
Anim: fountains
Aniyam: sorrow of people
AntioαΈ΅eia / AntioαΈ΅eusG: driven against
Antipas / AntipatrisG: for my father
Antothiyah: answers of Yah
ApellΔ•sL-: exclusion, separation
AphΔ•q / AphΔ•qah / Aphiq: strength, a fortress
AphiyaαΈ₯: a breeze: blowing
ApolloniaG: belonging to Apollo*
ApollosG: given by Apollo*
ApolluonG*: destroyer
Appayim: nostrils, angry
Apphia†: productive, fruitful
AppiusL: Latin praenomen
Aqan: torturous
Aqim: preparing, revenging, confirming
AqquαΈ‡: swell out, supplanting
Aqrabbim†: scorpions
AqulasL: eagle
Ar: city
Ara: lion
AraαΈ‡ / AraαΈ‡ia: mixed people
Araḏ: fugitive
AraαΈ₯: sojourner
Aram: highland, elevated
Aram-Ma’aαΈ΅ah: highland of oppression
Aram-Naharayim: highland of two rivers
Aram-TsoαΈ‡ah: elevated station
Aramean: (highlander) of Aram
Aran: joyous shout
Ararat: curse of precipitation
Arawnah: ark, joyful shout
Arba: four
Arbite: (mixed) of AraαΈ‡
Arbathite: (desert) of AraαΈ‡ah
Ard: wanderer
Ardon: wandering
ArΔ•li: heroic
AreopagusG: rock of Ares*
Aretas†: graver
ArgoαΈ‡: stony
AriḏaiP: lion enough
AriḏathaP: lion of the decree
Ari’ĕl: lion of Δ”l
ArisaiP: lion of my banner
AristarαΈ΅osG: superior ruler
AristobulosG: superior counsel
ArαΈ΅elaosG: ruler of people
ArαΈ΅ipposG: master of horses
Arkite: (long) of Erek
Armoni: my palace
Arnan / Arnon: roaring stream
Aro’ĕr: nakedness
Aroḏ: sojourn
Aroḏi: my sojourn
Arpaḏ: spread out
ArpaαΈ΅shaḏ†: healer, releaser
Arqite: (gnawing) of Araq
ArtaαΈ΅shashta†: (Artaxerxes) honoured sovereign
ArtemasG: gift of Artemis*
ArtemisG*: (Diana*) complete light
Artsa: earthy
Arubboth: windows
Arumah: high, exalted
Arwaḏ: wander, break loose
AryΔ•h: lion
Aryoḡ†: lion-like
Asa: healer, cure
Asah’ĕl: work of Δ”l
Asaph: gatherer
Asar’ĕl: uprightness of Δ”l
Asayah: Yah has made
AsenathE: of Neith*
Ashan: smoke
Ashar’ĕlah: uprightness of Elah
AshbΔ•a: swear, adjure
AshbΔ•l: flowing
Ashdoḏ: ravager
AshΔ•r: gladness
AshΔ•rah*: gladness
AshΔ•rim*: symbols of Asherah*
AshΔ•roth*: gladnesses
AshαΈ₯ur: black
Ashima*: crime, offense
Ashkenaz†: scattered fire
Ashnah: changing
Ashpenaz†: greatly scattered
Ashqelon: weight, balance
Ashshur: (Assyria) gladness,
Ashtaroth* / Ashtoreth*: increases
Ashterathite: (increase) of Ashterah
Ashteroth* Qamayim: increases of horns
Ashwath: shining, bright
Asia†: orient, muddy: boggy
Asi’ĕl: the work of Δ”l
Asnah: hated, stored up
AspathaP: encircled gathering
Asri’ĕl: uprightness of Δ”l
Asshur: straight
Asshurim: straight ones, successful
Assir: prisoner
Assos†: approaching
AsugkritosG: incomparable
Ataḏ: a thorn, pierce
Atarah: a crown
Ataroth: crowns
AtΔ•r: maimed, closed
AthaαΈ΅: sojourn, lodging
Athalyahu: afflicted of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Atharim: steps
Athayah: assistance of Yah
AthΔ•naios: of AthΔ•nΔ•*, uncertainty
Athlai: bound
Atroth Addar: crowns of eminence
Atroth BΔ•yth Yo’aαΈ‡: crowns of the house of Yo’aαΈ‡
Atsal / AtsΔ•l: reserved, near
Atsalyahu: reserved, near to 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Atsmon: like bone
Attai: timely
AttaleiaG: due season of Yah
AugustusL: augmented, grand
Awen: nothingness, vanity
Awith: wickedness, ruins
Awwa: overthrown
Awwim: overthrowing
Ayah: hawk, vulture, a screamer
Ayalon: deer pasture
Ayath: ruins, heap
Ayin: fountain, eye
Ayyah: heap, ruin
Azanyah: heard by Yah
Azar’ĕl: helped by Δ”l
Azaryahu: helped by 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Azaz: strong
AzazΔ•l: goat of removal, scapegoat
Azazyahu: strength of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Azbuq: mighty devastation
AzΔ•qah: tilled
Azgaḏ: strength of Gaḏ*
Azi’ĕl: my strength is Δ”l
Aziza: strength
Azmaweth: strong one of death
Aznoth TaαΈ‡or: broken plains
Azor: helpful
Azri’ĕl: help of Δ”l
Azriqam: my help rises
AzuαΈ‡ah: forsaken
Azzah: strong
Azzan: strong one
Azzathite: (strong) of Azzah
Azzur: helpful
Ba’al*: lord*, master
Ba’al Gaḏ*: lord of fortune*
Ba’al Hamon: lord of a multitude
Ba’al Me’on: lord of the dwelling
Ba’al Pe’or: lord of the opening
Ba’al Peratsim: lord of division
Ba’al Shalishah: (trinity) lord of three
Ba’al Tamar: lord of the palm
Ba’al Tsephon: lord of darkness
Ba’al-Berith: lord of the covenant
Ba’al-αΈ€anan: lord of favour
Ba’al-αΈ€ermon: lord of destruction
Ba’al-ZeαΈ‡uαΈ‡: lord of the fly
Ba’alah*: feminine of lord, mistress
Ba’alath Be’ĕr: lords of the pit
Ba’alath*: feminine of lords, mistresses
Ba’alΔ•*: lords
Ba’alis*: exalted lord
Ba’ana / Ba’anah: in affliction
Ba’ara: foolish
Ba’asΔ•yah: in the work of Yah
Ba’asha: offensive
BaαΈ‡el: (Babylon) confusion
BaαΈ₯urim: young men
Balaḏan: Ba’al* is lord
Balah: worn out, failure
Balaq: destroyer
Bamah: exalted, high place
Bamoth: high places
Bamoth Ba’al: high places of Ba’al*
Bani: built
Baqbaqqar: searcher
Baqbuq: flask, empty
Baqbuqyah: emptied of Yah
Bar-Yahoshua: son of Yahoshua
Bar-Yonah: son of Yonah
Barabba: son of the father
BaraαΈ΅: bless*/blesses/blessed
Baraḡ’ĕl: blessed of Δ”l
Baraq: lightning
BarαΈ₯umite: (young men) of BaαΈ₯urim
BariyaαΈ₯: fleeing
BarnaαΈ‡ah: son of the prophet
Barqos: son cut off
Barsabba: son of service
Bartholomi: son of my furrow
Bartimai: son of the unclean
BaruαΈ΅: blessed
Barziilai: made of iron
Basemath: fragrance, perfumed
Bashan: fruitful
Bath Rabbim: daughter of multitudes
BathsheαΈ‡a: daughter of oath
Bathshua: daughter of bounty
Batslith / Batsluth: peelings
BawwaP: my goings
Be’aloth: mistresses
Be’alyah: the Lord is Yah
BΔ•αΈ‡ai: my emptiness
Beḏaḏ: separation
Beḏan: servile
Bĕḏeyah: servant of Yah
Be’elyaḏa: lord of knowledge
Be’elzebul: lord of the dwelling
Be’ĕr Δ”lim: well of mighty ones
Be’ĕr LaαΈ₯ai Ro’i: well of One who lives and sees me
Be’ĕr / Be’ĕra / Be’ĕrah: well, pit
Be’ĕri: my well
Be’ĕroth: wells
Be’ĕrsheαΈ‡a: well of an oath
Be’eshterah: with increase
BehΔ•moth: dinosaurs, beasts
BeαΈ΅er: young camel
BeαΈ΅orath: first born, first fruit
BΔ•l*: Ba’al* (lord*)
Belah: devouring
Beliya’al: wickedness, worthless
BΔ•lshatstsar†: BΔ•l* protects the sovereign
BΔ•lteshatstsar†: BΔ•l* protector of the sovereign
Ben-AαΈ‡inaḏaαΈ‡: son of AαΈ‡inaḏaαΈ‡
Ben-Ammi: son of my people
Ben-Deqer: son of piercing
Ben-GeαΈ‡er: son of a warrior
Ben-Haḏaḏ: son of Haḏaḏ*
Ben-αΈ€anan: son of favour
Ben-αΈ€ayil: son of might
Ben-Ḁeseḏ: son of kindness
Ben-αΈ€ur: son of whiteness
Ben-Oni: son of my sorrow
Ben-ZoαΈ₯eth†: son of release
BΔ•n: son
BΔ•nai: my son
Benayahu: son of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
BenΔ•i Beraq: sons of lightning
Beney Ya’aqan: sons of torture
Beni-ReαΈ‘es: sons of thunder
Beninu: our sons
Beno: builder
Be’on: habitation
Be’or: burning, lamp
Bera†: son of evil
BeraαΈ΅ah: blessing, bending the knee
Berayah: created of Yah
Bereḏ: hail
BereαΈ΅yahu: blessing of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
BΔ•ri: my well
Beri’ah: in distress, unfavoured
Berith: covenant
BemikΔ•G: victorious
BeroḏaαΈ΅-Balaḏan†: Merodak* has given a son
BeroiaG: pierce, pass through
BΔ•rothah / BΔ•rothai: like a cypress
BΔ•sai: domineering
Besoḏeyah: counsel of Yah
Besor: gladness
BetaαΈ₯: safety
Beten: belly
Bether: pieces
Bethu’ĕl / Bethul: destroyed of Δ”l
Betonim: nuts
BΔ•tsai: conqueror
Betsal’ĕl: in the shadow of Δ”l
Betser: fortress
BΔ•yth AαΈ‡arah: house of the ford
BΔ•yth Anath: house of answers
BΔ•yth Anoth: house of answers
BΔ•yth Anyah: house of affliction
BΔ•yth Aphrah: house of dust
BΔ•yth AraαΈ‡ah: house of the desert
BΔ•yth Aram: house of height
BΔ•yth ArbΔ•l: house of the ambush of Δ”l
BΔ•yth Awen: house of wickedness
BΔ•yth Azmaweth: house of death’s strength
BΔ•yth Ba’al Me’on: house of Ba’al’s* dwelling
BΔ•yth Barah: house of the ford
BΔ•yth Bir’i: house of my Creator
Beyth DaαΈ‘on*: house of the fish god
BΔ•yth Diḏlathayim: house of fig cakes
BΔ•yth Ĕḏen: house of delight
BΔ•yth Δ”l: house of Δ”l
BΔ•yth Δ”qeḏ: house of binding
BΔ•yth Gaḏer: house of the wall
BΔ•yth Gamul: house of recompense
BΔ•yth ha’Ĕli: house of my Δ”l
BΔ•yth ha’Ĕmeq: house of the valley
BΔ•yth ha’Ĕtsel: house adjoining
BΔ•yth ha’Gan: house of the garden
BΔ•yth ha’Gilgal: house of the wheel
BΔ•yth ha’Kkerem: house of the vineyard
BΔ•yth ha’Ram: house of the height
BΔ•yth Haran: house of the hill
BΔ•yth αΈ€oαΈ‘lah: house of the partridge
BΔ•yth αΈ€oran: house of the cave
BΔ•yth Kar: house of the lamb
BΔ•yth LeαΈ‡a’oth: house of lionesses
BΔ•yth LeαΈ₯em: house of bread
BΔ•yth Ma’aαΈ΅ah: house of oppression
BΔ•yth MarkaαΈ‡oth: house of chariots
BΔ•yth Me’on: house of the dwelling
BΔ•yth Millo: house of the rampart
BΔ•yth Nimrah: house of the leopard
BΔ•yth PatstsΔ•ts: house of dispersion
BΔ•yth Pelet: house of escape
BΔ•yth Pe’or: house of the cleft, or gap
BΔ•yth PhaαΈ‘i: house of figs
BΔ•yth Rapha: house of healing
BΔ•yth ReαΈ₯oαΈ‡: house of expanse
BΔ•yth Shan / She’an: house of rest
BΔ•yth Shemesh: house of the sun
BΔ•yth Shittah: house of the acacia
BΔ•yth TappuaαΈ₯: house of the apple tree
BΔ•yth Tsaiḏa: house of food
BΔ•yth Tsur: house of the rock
BΔ•yth Yeshimoth: house of desolation
BΔ•yth Zatha: house of favour
Bezeq: lightning
Biḏqar: with a stab
BiαΈ‘tha / BiαΈ‘than / BiαΈ‘thanaP: in the wine-press
BiαΈ‘wai†: in my body
BiαΈ΅ri: first-born
Bil’am: not of the people, foreigner
Bildaḏ: old friend
Bilgah: cheerfulness
Bilgai: my cheerfulness
Bilhah: timid
Bilhan: deteriorate
Bilshan: in slander
Bimhal: in mix, in cutting
Bin’a: fountain
Binnui: built up
Binyamin: son of the right hand
Birsha: with wickedness
Bishlam: in peace
Bithron: division
Bithunia†: violent precipitation
Bithyah: daughter of Yah
BireαΈ΅oth: Blessings
Birzoth: in leanness
BizthaP: booty
Bizyothyah: despisings of Yah
BlastosG: brings forth
Bo’az: fleetness
Bohan: thumb
BoαΈ΅eru: first-born
BoαΈ΅im: weeping
BotsΔ•ts: shining
Botsqath: swollen ground
Botsrah: sheepfold, enclosure
Bul: increase
Bunah: understanding
Bunni: built
Buqqi: wasteful
Buqqiyahu: emptied of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Buz: despised
Buzi: my contempt
Dabbesheth: hilly place
Daḏerath: words, pastures
DaαΈ‘on*: fish
Dalmanutha: slow firebrand
Dalmatia†: priestly robe
Dalphon: dripping
DamarisG: heifer
Dammeseq / Darmeseq: (Damascus) silent, sackcloth weaver
Dan: judgment, he that judges
Dan Ya’an: judgment of purpose
Dani’ĕl: judgment of Δ”l, my judge is Δ”l
Dannah: judged
Dara: arm
Darda: pearl of knowledge
DareyaweshP: lord*
Darqon† scatterer
Dathan†: of a fountain
Dawiḏ: well-beloved, dear
DeαΈ‡ir: sanctuary
DeαΈ‡orah: bee
Deḏan / Deḏaneh: low country
Dehawite†: (sickly) of Dahawa
DekapolisG: ten cities
Delayahu: drawn of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Delilah: languid
DemasG: abbreviation of Demetrios
DΔ•mΔ•triosG: (Ceres*) belonging to Demeter*
Deqer: pierced
Derbĕ†: tanner
Deu’ĕl: known of Δ”l
Di ZahaαΈ‡: much gold
DiαΈ‡lah: fig cake
DiαΈ‡layim: fig cakes
DiαΈ‡on: sorrowful
DiαΈ‡on Gaḏ*: passing away, bad luck
DiαΈ‡ri: my word
Dil’an: gourd
Dimnah: dunghill
Dimon: silence
Dimonah: silence
Dinah: judgment
DinhaαΈ‡ah†: judgment giver
DionusiosG: devoted to Zeus*
DiotrephΔ•sG: Zeus* nourishes
Diphath†: spoken
Diqlah: palm grove
Dishan: thresher
Dishon: thresher
Do’ĕḑ: anxious, fearing
Doḏai: loving
Doḏanim: leaders
Doḏawahu: beloved of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Doḏo: his beloved
Dophqah: knocking
Dor: generation
DorkasG: gazelle
Dothan: two wells
DrousillaL: watered by the dew
Dumah: silence
Dura: dwelling
EαΈ‡eḏ-Melek: servant of the sovereign
EαΈ‡eḏ: servant
EαΈ‡en ha’Ĕzer: the stone of help
Δ”αΈ‡er: region beyond
EαΈ‡ets: made white, gleam
EαΈ‡yasaph: my father has gathered
EαΈ‡yathar: my father is great
Ĕḏen: pleasure, delight
Ĕḏer: flock
Eḏom: red, earthy
Eḏre’i: mighty
EαΈ‘lah: heifer
EαΈ‘layim: reservoirs
EαΈ‘lon: calf-like
Δ”αΈ₯i: brotherly
Δ”huḏ: praised
Δ”αΈ₯uḏ: united
Δ”l: Almighty
Δ”l Berith: Δ”l of the covenant
Δ”l Beyth Δ”l: the Δ”l of the house of Δ”l
Δ”l ElohΔ• Yisra’ĕl: Δ”l the Almighty of Yisra’ĕl
Δ”l Shaddai: Almighty Mighty One
El’aḏ: Δ”l has witnessed
Elaḏah: Δ”l has adorned
El’alΔ•h: Δ”l has ascended
El’asah: Δ”l has made
El’azar: Δ”l is help
Δ”lah: oak
Elda’ah: Δ”l is known
Eldaḏ: Δ”l has loved
Eleph: thousand
ElαΈ₯anan: Δ”l has favoured
Δ”li: my Δ”l
Eli’ĕl: my Δ”l is Δ”l
Eli’ĕynai: Δ”l of my eyes
Eli’ezer: My Δ”l is help
Eliḏaḏ: my Δ”l has loved
EliαΈ₯oreph: (harvest time) Δ”l of winter
Elihu: my Δ”l is He
Elihuḏ: my Δ”l is praised
Δ”lim: palms
ElimeleαΈ΅: my Δ”l is Sovereign
Eliphal: my Δ”l of prayer
Eliphaz: my Δ”l is pure gold
Eliphelet: my Δ”l of deliverance
EliphelΔ•hu: my Δ”l distinguishes him
Eliqa: my Δ”l rejects
Elisha: my Δ”l saves
Elishah: my Δ”l helps
Elishama: my Δ”l hears
Elishaphat: my Δ”l judges
ElisheαΈ‡a: my Δ”l has sworn
Elishua: my Δ”l is salvation
Elitsaphan: my Δ”l is treasure
Elitsur: my Δ”l is a rock
EliyaαΈ‡: my Δ”l is father
Δ”liyah / Δ”liyahu: my Δ”l is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Eliyam: Δ”l of the people
Eliyathah: Δ”l has consented
Ellasar: Δ”l has chastened
Elmoḏam: Δ”l has measured
Elna’am: Δ”l is delight
Elnathan: Δ”l has given
Eloah: Almighty
Elohim: Almighty
Δ”lon: oak, strong tree
Elpa’al: Δ”l is maker
Elpelet: Δ”l is deliverance
Elqanah: Δ”l has purchased
Elqoshite: (Δ”l has gathered) Δ”l of Elqosh
ElteqΔ•h: Δ”l l is hope
Elteqon: Δ”l is straight
Eltolaḏ: Δ”l of generations
Eltsaphan: Δ”l has hidden
Elul: nothingness
Elumas†: a wise one
Eluzai: Δ”l is my strength
Elyaḏa: Δ”l knows
ElyaαΈ₯ba: Δ”l has hidden
Elyaqim: Δ”l raises
Elyasaph: Δ”l has added
ElyashiαΈ‡: Δ”l restores
Elyaho’ĕynai / Elyo’ĕynai: Δ”l of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 of my eyes
ElzaαΈ‡aḏ: Δ”l has presented
Δ”meq Qetsits: valley cut off
Δ”ndor: fountain of Dor
Enosh: man
EpainetosG: praiseworthy
Epaphras / EpaphroditosG: devoted to AphroditΔ•*
Δ”phah: dark, gloomy
Δ”pher: gazelle
Ephes Dammim: boundary of blood
EphesosG: permitted
Ephlal: intercessor
Δ”phoḏ: shoulder garment, mantle
Ephphatha: be opened
Ephrath / Ephrathah: abundance
Ephrayim: fruitfulness
Ephron: fawn-like
EpikureanG: follower of Epikouros
Δ”qer: offspring
Eqron: uprooted
Δ”r: awake
Δ”ran: watcher
Δ”rastosG: loved
EreαΈ΅: prolong
Δ”ri: watchful
Δ”sarαΈ₯addon†: Ashshur has given a brother
Δ”saw: hairy
Δ”seq: contention
Esh’an: support
Esh-Ba’al: man of Ba’al*
Eshban: spreading fire
Δ”sheq: oppressor
Eshkol: cluster of grapes
Eshta’ol: inquired
Eshtemoa / Eshtemoh: I shall obey
Eshton: restful
EstΔ•rP*: star
Eth Qatsin: time of a ruler
Δ”tham: their ploughshare
Ethba’al: with Ba’al*
Ether: abundant
Ethnan: a hire
Ethni: my hire
Etsbon: hastening to understand
Δ”tsel: departure
Etsem: bone
Δ”tser: treasure
Etsnite: (sharp one, spear) of Δ”tsen
Etsyon GeαΈ‡er: backbone of a warrior
EubulosG: prudent
EunikΔ•G: good victory
EuodiaG: prosperous
EutuαΈ΅osG: fortunate
Ewi: my desire
Ewil-Meroḏaḡ†: soldier of MeroḏaαΈ΅*
Δ”yαΈ‡al: bare, bald
Δ”yαΈ΅ah: where
Δ”ylam: eternity
Δ”ylath / Δ”yloth: grove of trees
Δ”ylon BΔ•yth αΈ€anan: oak of the house of favour
Δ”ymite: (terror) of Δ”ymah
Δ”yn Dor: fountain of dwelling
Δ”yn EαΈ‘layim: fountain of calves
Δ”yn Gannim: fountain of gardens
Δ”yn Geḏi: fountain of the young goat
Δ”yn αΈ€addah: fountain of sharpness
Δ”yn ha’QorΔ•: fountain of him that called
Δ”yn αΈ€aroḏ: fountain of trembling
Δ”yn αΈ€atsor: fountain of the village
Δ”yn Mishpat: fountain of judgment
Δ”yn Rimmon: fountain of the pomegranate
Δ”yn RoαΈ‘Δ•l: fountain of a traveller
Δ”yn Shemesh: fountain of the sun
Δ”yn TappuaαΈ₯: fountain of the apple tree
Δ”ynam / Δ”nayim: fountains
Δ”ynan: having eyes
Δ”ytam: lair of wild beasts
Δ”ythan: enduring
Δ”ythanim: endurance
Ezbai: my hyssop
Ezel: depart
Ezer / Δ”zer: help, treasure
Ezra / Ezrah: help
EzraαΈ₯ite: (shining) of Zerah
Ezri: my help
Ga’al: contempt
Ga’ash: quaking
GaαΈ‡a / GeαΈ‡a / Giḇ’ah: hill
Gabbai: my back
Gabbatha: elevated
GaαΈ‡ri’ĕl: Δ”l is my strength
Gaḏ*: fortune*, luck*
Gaḏarenes: (walled) of Geḏĕrah
Gaḏi / Gaddi: my luck
Gaddi’ĕl: my luck is Δ”l
GaαΈ₯am: burn, flame
GaαΈ₯ar: hiding
GaiosL: lord
Gal’ĕd: heap of witness
Galal: great
Galatia†: of the Gauls
Galil: boundary
Gallim: springs
GallionL: one who lives on milk
Gamli’ĕl: reward of Δ”l
Gammaḏite: (warrior) of Gammaḏ
Gamul: a recompense
GarΔ•αΈ‡: scabby
Garmite: (bony) of Gerem
Gashmu: rain, shower
Gatam: burnt valley
Gath: winepress
Gath αΈ€Δ•pher: winepress of digging
Gath Rimmon: press of pomegranate
Gath Shemen: oil press
GazΔ•z: shearer
Gazzam: devourer
GeαΈ‡a: hill
GeαΈ‡al: boundary
GeαΈ‡er: warrior
GΔ•αΈ‡im: ditches
Geḏalyahu: great is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Geḏer/Geḏor: wall
Geḏĕrah: walled
Geḏĕroth: walls
Geḏĕothayim: many walls
GΔ•αΈ₯azi: valley of vision
Geliloth: boundaries
Gemalli: camel driver
Gemaryahu: accomplishment of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
GennΔ•sar: harp
GenuαΈ‡ath: theft
GΔ•ra: grain
Gerar: towing
GΔ•reshom: foreigner
GΔ•reshon: exiled
Gerizim: off-cuttings
Geshem: rain, shower
Geshur: bridge
Gether: fear
Geu’ĕl: redemption of Δ”l
GΔ•y ha’Ḁarashim: valley of the craftsmen
GΔ•y-αΈ€arashim: valley of craftsmen
GΔ•y-Hinnom: (Hell*) valley of lamentation
GΔ•yshan: lump
Gezer: portion
Giḇ’a / Giḇ’ah: hill
Giḇ’ath: hilly
Gib’on / Giḇ’on: hill city
Gibbar: mighty
Gibbethon: hills
Giḏom: cutting down
Giḏ’on: hewer
Giḏ’oni: my hewer
Giddalti: I make great
GiddΔ•l: great
GiαΈ₯on: bursting forth
Gil’aḏ: rocky region
Gilalai: roll away
Gilboa: swelling fountain
Gilgal: wheel, rolling
Giloh: exile
Gilonite: of Giloh
Gimzo: fertile sycamore
Ginath: protection
Ginnethoi: my defender
Ginnethon: defender
Girgashite†: (dwelling on clay) of Girgash
Girzite: (portion) of Gezer
Gishpa†: caress
Gittayim: winepresses
Gittite: (winepress) of Gath
GiyaαΈ₯: break forth
Gizonite: (quarry) of Gizon
Go’ah: bellowing
GoαΈ‡: cistern
GoαΈ‘: mountain
Golan: captivity
Golgotha: skull
Golyath: exiled
Gomer: complete
GoshenE: drawing near
Goyim: nations
Gozan: cut off
Guḏgoḏah: place of cutting
Guni: my defender
Gur: dwelling
Gur Ba’al: dwelling of Ba’al*
Ha’AraαΈ‡im: the willows
Ha’aαΈ₯ashtariP: the runner
Ha’Bashan αΈ€awoth Ya’ir: the fruitful villages of enlightenment
Haḏaḏ Rimmon: almighty Rimmon*
Haḏaḏ†*: mighty
Haḏaḏezer: Haḏaḏ* is help
Haḏar: honour
Haḏassah: myrtle tree
Haḏoram: noble honour
HaαΈ‘ar: flight
HaαΈ‘ri: wanderer
HaαΈ‘rite: of HaαΈ‘ar
Hallelu-Yah: you praise Yah
Halleli𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄: I praise 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
HallΔ•l Yah: Praise Yah
HalloαΈ₯Δ•sh: the whisperer
Haman†: magnificent
Ha’Millo: the rampart
HammeḏathaP: the double
HammoleαΈ΅eth: the queen
Hamon GoαΈ‘: (mountain) multitude of Gog
Hamonah: multitudes
Haqqatan: the small one
Haqqots: the thorn
Har MeαΈ‘iddo: mountain of assembly
Hara: mountainous
Haran: mountaineer
Haro’eh: vision
Hararite / Harorite: (mountain) of Harar
Harum: exalted
ha’Satan: the adversary
HashΔ•m: wealthy
Hassena’ah: the thorn
Hathaḡ†: even so
Hatselelponi: the shadow facing
HeαΈ‡el: (Abel) vanity, emptiness
HΔ•αΈ‘ai / HΔ•αΈ‘ep: eunuch
HΔ•lΔ•l: (Lucifer) shining
HΔ•mam: rage, destruction
HΔ•man: trustworthy
HΔ•na†: troubling
Hermas / HermΔ•sG*: (Mercury*) speaker, herald
HermogenesG: born of Hermes*
HΔ•rodΔ•sG: (Herod) heroic
HΔ•rodiasG: (Herodias) heroic
HΔ•rodionG: heroic
HΔ•yαΈ΅al: Temple*
Hiddai: my rejoicing
HierapolisG: holy city
HillΔ•l: praising
Hinnom: lamentation
Hoḏ: splendour
Hoḏawyah / Hoḏewah: majesty of Yah
Hoḏiyah: my majesty is Yah
Hodu†: (India) give praise
Hoham: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 impels
Homam: disturbance
Hor: mountain
Horam: exalted, high
Hoshama: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 hears
Hoshayah: saved of Yah
HoshΔ•a: salvation
Hoshia-na: save please
Hothir: exceed
HumenaiosG: nuptial, of HumΔ•n* the deity of weddings
αΈ€aαΈ‡aqquq: embrace
αΈ€aαΈ‡atstsinyah: light of Yah
αΈ€aαΈ‡ayah: hidden of Yah
αΈ€aαΈ‡or: joining
Ḁaḏaḏ: fierceness
Ḁaḏashah: new
Ḁaḏattah: (village) new Ḁatsor
Ḁaḏiḏ: sharp
Ḁaḏlai: rest
Ḁaḏraḡ: dwelling
αΈ€aαΈ‘aαΈ‡ / αΈ€aαΈ‘aαΈ‡ah / αΈ€aαΈ‘aαΈ‡a: locust
αΈ€aggai: festive
αΈ€aggi: my feast
αΈ€aggith: festive
αΈ€aggiyah: feast of Yah
αΈ€ai: Life*
αΈ€aαΈ΅alyah: darkened of Yah
αΈ€aαΈ΅ilah: dark
αΈ€aαΈ΅moni: my wisdom
αΈ€alaαΈ₯: painful
αΈ€alaq: smooth
αΈ€alαΈ₯ul: twisting
αΈ€ali: ornament
αΈ€am: hot
αΈ€amath TsoαΈ‡ah: fortress of TsoαΈ‡ah
αΈ€amath: fortress
αΈ€ammath: Hot springs
αΈ€ammon: warm
αΈ€ammoth Dor: hot springs of Dor
αΈ€ammu’el: heat of Δ”l
αΈ€amor: donkey
αΈ€amran: hot heights
αΈ€amul: spared
αΈ€amutal: father-in-law of dew
αΈ€aname’ĕl: favoured of Δ”l
αΈ€anane’ĕl: favour of Δ”l
αΈ€anani: my favour
αΈ€ananyahu: favour of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
αΈ€anΔ•s: favour has fled
αΈ€annah: favoured
αΈ€annathon: showing favour
αΈ€anni’ĕl: my favour of Δ”l
αΈ€anoαΈ΅: (Enoch) dedicated, trained
αΈ€anun: favorable
αΈ€apharayim: double wells
αΈ€a’PitstsΔ•ts: the division
αΈ€aqal Dema: field of blood
αΈ€aqupha: crooked
Ḁaraḏah: fear, trembling
αΈ€aran: parched, scorched
αΈ€arαΈ‡ona / αΈ€arαΈ‡onahP: donkey driver
αΈ€arΔ•ph: reproach
αΈ€arαΈ₯asP: scrape
αΈ€arhayah: wrath of Yah
αΈ€arαΈ₯ur: inflamed
αΈ€arim: dedicated
αΈ€ariph: pluck off
αΈ€arnepherr: panting
Ḁaroḏite: (terror) of Ḁaroḏ
αΈ€arosheth: cutting
αΈ€arosheth ha’Goyim: cutting of the gentiles
αΈ€arsha: mute
αΈ€arumaph: destruction
αΈ€aruphite: of αΈ€ariph
αΈ€aruts: earnest
Ḁasaḏyah: favour of Yah
αΈ€asenu’ah: thorny
αΈ€ashaαΈ‡nah: regard
αΈ€ashabneyah: regard of Yah
αΈ€ashaαΈ‡yahu: considered of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
αΈ€ashbaddanah: considering judge
αΈ€ashmonah: fertile
αΈ€ashshuαΈ‡: considerate
αΈ€ashuαΈ‡ah: consideration
αΈ€ashum: enriched
αΈ€asrah: lacking
αΈ€assena’ah: the thorn
αΈ€asupha: stripped
αΈ€athath: fearful
αΈ€atipha: seized
αΈ€atita: exploring
αΈ€atsar Addar: village of esteem
αΈ€atsar Δ”ynan: village of fountains
αΈ€atsar Gaddah: village of luck
αΈ€atsar haTiαΈ΅on: village of the middle
αΈ€atsar Shu’al: village of the fox
αΈ€atsar Susah: village of a horse
αΈ€atsar Susim: village of horses
αΈ€atsarmaweth: village of death
αΈ€atsΔ•roth: villages, settlements
αΈ€atsatson Tamar / αΈ€atsetson Tamar: division, cutting of palms
αΈ€atsor: village
αΈ€attil: doubtful
αΈ€attush: assembled
αΈ€awilah: circular
αΈ€awoth Ya’ir: villages of enlightenment
αΈ€awran: cavernous
αΈ€awwah: (Eve) life-giver
αΈ€aza’ĕl: seeing Δ”l
αΈ€azayah: seeing Yah
αΈ€azi’ĕl: seen of Δ”l
αΈ€azo: seer
αΈ€eαΈ‡er: companion
αΈ€eαΈ‡ron: association
αΈ€elah: rust
αΈ€Δ•lam: stronghold
αΈ€elbah: fertile
αΈ€elbon: fruitful
αΈ€eldai: worldly
αΈ€Δ•leαΈ‡: fatness
αΈ€Δ•leḏ: glide swiftly, transient
αΈ€Δ•lem: smiter
αΈ€Δ•leph: exchange
αΈ€Δ•leq: portion
αΈ€elets / αΈ€Δ•lets: delivered
αΈ€Δ•lon: strength
αΈ€elqai: my portion
αΈ€elqath: boundaries
αΈ€emdan: delight
αΈ€Δ•n: favour, quiet, rest
αΈ€Δ•naḏaḏ: favour of αΈ€aḏaḏ*
αΈ€epher: a well
αΈ€ephtsiαΈ‡ah: my delight is in her
αΈ€eres: shining
αΈ€eresh: silent
αΈ€ereth: forest
αΈ€ermon: destroyed
αΈ€eshbon: reasoning
αΈ€eshmon: rich
αΈ€esli: confidence
αΈ€Δ•th: terror
αΈ€ethlon: covered
αΈ€etsrai / αΈ€etsro: surround
αΈ€etsron: surrounded
αΈ€Δ•zir: enclosed
αΈ€ezyon: vision
αΈ€iddeqel†: rapid
αΈ€i’ĕl: life of Δ”l
αΈ€ilΔ•n: fortress
αΈ€ilqiyahu: my portion is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
αΈ€irah: splendour
αΈ€iram: noble
αΈ€ittite: of αΈ€eth
αΈ€iwwite: (villagers) of αΈ€awoth
αΈ€izqi: my strength
αΈ€izqiyahu: my strength is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
αΈ€izzayon: revelation, dream
αΈ€oαΈ‡aαΈ‡: beloved
αΈ€oαΈ‡ah: hiding
Ḁoḏesh: new moon
αΈ€oαΈ‘Iah: partridge
αΈ€olon: sandy
αΈ€ophni: my fist
αΈ€ophraE covering evil
αΈ€or ha’Giḏgaḏ: cave of cutting
αΈ€orΔ•αΈ‡: desolate
αΈ€orΔ•m: devoted
αΈ€oresh: forest
αΈ€ori / αΈ€orite: cave dweller
αΈ€omnah: devotion
αΈ€oronite: (cave) of αΈ€oron
αΈ€oronayim: caves
αΈ€osah: refuge
αΈ€otham: seal
αΈ€ui: circle
αΈ€uldah: weasel
αΈ€umtah: low, lizard
αΈ€upham: sheltered
αΈ€uppah: canopy
αΈ€uppim: protected
αΈ€uqoq / αΈ€uqqoq: appointed
αΈ€ur: white, hole
αΈ€urai / αΈ€uri: whiteness, linen
αΈ€uram: noble
αΈ€uram-aαΈ‡i: my father is noble
αΈ€ushah: haste
αΈ€usham: hastily
αΈ€ushai: hastening
αΈ€ushathite: of αΈ€ushah
αΈ€ushim: hurriers
IαΈ‡ri / IαΈ‡rim: (Hebrew / Hebrews) one from beyond
IαΈ‡tsan: whiteness
Iddo: witness
IαΈ΅aαΈ‡oḏ: no esteem
IkonionG: little image
Ilai: elevated, exalted
Illurikon†: lyric band
Immanu’el: Δ”l Β is with us
ImmΔ•r: speaking
Imri: speaker
IqqΔ•sh: crooked
Ir: city
Ir ha’Tamarim: city of the palms
Ir NaαΈ₯ash: city of the snake
Ir Shemesh: city of the sun
Ira: watchful
Iraḏ: fugitive
Iram: of a city
Iri: my city
Iru: his city
Ishbosheth: man of shame
Ishhod: man of majesty
Italia†: calf-like
Ithai: with me
Ithamar: coast of the palm-tree
Ithi’ĕl: with me is Δ”l
Ittai: with me
Iwwah: wickedness
IyΔ• ha’AαΈ‡arim: ruins of Abarim
Iyezer: no help
Iyim: ruins
IyoαΈ‡: persecuted
Iyon: a ruin
IzeαΈ‡el: exalted of Ba’al*
Kabbon: heap up
KaαΈ‡ul: bound
KaisarL: (Caesar) severed
KaisereiaL: severed
KalΔ•αΈ‡: a dog, forcible, a crow, a basket
Kalkol: sustaining
KalnΔ•h / Kalno†: consumed
Kandakĕ†: prince of servants
Kanneh†: flattering
Kaphtor: wreath, crown
Kaphtorim: crowns
Kappadokia†: province of good horses
Karite: guardsman
KarkasP: severe
Karkemish†: fortress of Kemosh*
Karmel: garden land
Karmi: my vineyard
KarposG: fruit, fruitful
Karshena†: illustrious
Kasdim / Kasdite: of Keseḏ
Kasiphya: silvery
KasluαΈ₯im: fortified
KeαΈ‡ar: far away, many
Keḏorla’omer†: handful of sheaves
Kehunnah: priesthood
KelaαΈ₯: full age
Kelal: completed
KeluαΈ‡: caged
KeluαΈ‡ai: my caged one
Keluhai: my completion
Kemosh*: subduer
Kena’an: lowland, merchant, trader
Kena’anah: trader
Kenani: my planting
Kenanyahu: established of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
KengkreaiG: millet
KΔ•pha: a rock or stone
Kephar ha’Ammoni: village of the Ammonite
Kephar Nahum: village of comfort
Kephirah: lioness
Keren: lyre
KerΔ•thite: (execution) of Karath
Kerith: cutting
Keruḇ†: (angelic being) blessing
KeruαΈ‡im†: (angelic beings) blessed ones
Kesalon: fertile
Keseḏ: increase
Kesil: foolish
Kesulloth: fattened
KeziαΈ‡: false
Kiḏon: spear
Kil’aαΈ‡: like father
Kilikia†: land of Kelix
Kilmaḏ: enclosure
Kilyon: pining
Kimah: cluster, jewels
Kimham: longing
Kinnereth / Kinneroth: harps, harp shaped
αΈ΄iost: snowy
KislΔ•w†: his confidence
Kislon: hopeful
Kisloth TaαΈ‡or: flanks of the mounds
Kithlish: wall of a man
Kittim: bruising
Kiyyun*: statue, idol
KlaudΔ•L: lame
KlaudiaL / KlaudiusL: lame
KlΔ•mΔ•sG: forgiving
αΈ΄loΔ•G: green herb
Knidos†: nettled
KohΔ•n: priest*
Kohenim: priests
KohΔ•n ha’gadol: high priest
Koi-αΈ€ozeh: all-seeing
KolossaiG: colossal
Konyahu / Konanyahu: established of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Korazin†: furnace of smoke
KoreshP: possessor of the furnace
KorinthosG: satiated
KornΔ•liusL: of a horn
Kos†: prison
Kozbi: false
KozΔ•αΈ‡a: falsehood
KrΔ•skΔ•sL: growing, increasing
KrΔ•tĕ†: carnal, fleshly
KrispusL: curled
Kub†: horde
Kun: established
KuprosG: love blossom
KurΔ•nĕ†: supremacy of the bridle
Kuria: lady
Kush: (Ethiopia) black
Kushan: their darkness
Kushan-Rish’athayim: darkness of double wickedness
Kushi: my darkness
Kuth / Kuthah: crushing
αΈ΄uzas†: the seer
LaαΈ‡ai: man of heart
LaαΈ‡an: (Laban) white
La’dah: order
La’dan: in order
La’ĕl: to Δ”l
Lahaḏ: glowing, earnest
LaαΈ₯mam: foods, provisions
LaαΈ₯mi: my bread
Laidan: put in order
LaαΈ΅ish: invincible
LaodikeiaG: just people
Lappiḏoth: lamps, torches
Laqqum: fortification, barricade
LasaiaG: shaggy
Lasha: fissure, spring
Layish / Layishah: lion
Lĕ’ah: (Leah) weary
LΔ•b: centre, heart
LeαΈ‡anah: moon, whiteness
LeαΈ‡anon: whiteness
LeαΈ‡a’oth: lionesses
LeαΈ‡onah: frankincense
LehaαΈ‡im: flames
LΔ•αΈ΅ah: walking, journey
LemeαΈ΅: (Lemech) powerful
Lemu’ĕl: for Δ”l
Leshem: precious stone
Letushim: hammered
Le’ummim: peoples, nations
LΔ•wi: (Levi) joined
LiαΈ‡nah: white tree, poplar
LiαΈ‡ni: my whiteness
LibuΔ•G: (Libya) afflicted, weeping
LinosG: net
LiqeαΈ₯i: my learning
Liwiathan: dragon, joined
Lo-Ammi: not my people
Lo ḎeαΈ‡ar: no pasture, not anything
Lo-RuαΈ₯amah: no compassion
Loḏ: travail
Lois†: agreeable
Lot: veil
Lotan: covering
LuαΈ‡im: thirsty
Luḏ† / Luḏim†: strife
LudiaG: travail
LuαΈ₯ith: tablets
LukaoniaG: wolf land
LukasL: luminous
LukiaG: wolf-like
LukiosL: light, bright
LusaniasL: drives away sorrow
LusiasG: releaser
LustraG: ransomed
Luz: almond
Ma’aḏai: ornamental
Ma’aḏyah: adorned of Yah
Ma’ai: compassionate
Ma’aαΈ΅ah: oppression
Ma’arath: waste, bareness
Ma’areh αΈ eαΈ‡a: meadows of the hill
Ma’asai: I will do
Ma’asΔ•yahu: work of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Ma’ath: small
Ma’ats: shut, wrath
Ma’azyahu: protection of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Maḏai†: (Media) middle land
MaḏmΔ•n / Maḏmannah / MaḏmΔ•nah: dunghill
Maḏon: stature
MaαΈ‘bish: stiffening
MaαΈ‘dala: tower
MaαΈ‘di’ĕI: preciousness of Δ”l
MaαΈ‘oαΈ‘: mountainous
MaαΈ‘or-MissaαΈ‡iαΈ‡: terror all around
MaαΈ‘pi’ash: killer of the moth
Mahalal’ĕl: praising Δ”l
MaαΈ₯alath: diseases
MaαΈ₯anayim: encampments, two camps
MaαΈ₯anΔ•h Dan: camp of Dan
Maharai: hasty, impetuous
MaαΈ₯ath: blot out
MaαΈ₯awite: (propagate)of MaαΈ₯awΔ•h
MaαΈ₯aziyoth: visions
MahΔ•r-Shalal-αΈ€ash-Baz: swift to the spoil – quick to the prey
MaαΈ₯lah: sickness
MaαΈ₯li: sickly
MaαΈ₯lon: sick
MaαΈ₯ol: dancing
MaαΈ₯sΔ•yah: sheltered of Yah
MaαΈ΅bannai: I am built up
MaαΈ΅bΔ•na: built up
Makedonia†: extended land
MaαΈ΅i: decrease
MaαΈ΅ir: selling, sold
MaαΈ΅naḏeαΈ‡ai: what is generosity?
MaαΈ΅pΔ•lah: double, folded
MaαΈ΅tΔ•sh: deep hollow
Mal’aαΈ΅i: my messenger
Malkam*: sovereign of greatness
Malki’ĕl: my sovereign is Δ”l
Malkiram: my sovereign is high
Malkishua: my sovereign is salvation
Malkitseḏeq: sovereign of righteousness
Malkiyahu: my sovereign is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Mallothi: I have spoken
MalluαΈ΅: reigning
MamrΔ•: vigor
ManaαΈ₯ath: rest
ManaαΈ₯Δ•m: comforter
ManowaαΈ₯: restful
Ma’oαΈ΅: oppressed
Ma’on: dwelling
Maqats: cut off, ended
MaqhΔ•loth: assemblies, congregations
Maqqĕḏah: place of shepherds
Mara/Marah: bitter
Maralah: quaking
Maranatha: our Master is coming
MarΔ•shah: summit
Markos: defence
Maroth: bitterness
Marsena†: worthy
Martha: mistress
Mash: drawn out
Mashal: request
MashiaαΈ₯: (Messiah) anointed
ha’MashiaαΈ₯: (Christ*) the Messiah
MashiaαΈ₯iyim: Messianic
MasrΔ•qah: choice vineyard
Massa: burden
Massah: trial
Matrĕḏ: pursuing
Matri: rainy
Matstsoth: Unleavened Bread
Mattan: gift
Mattanah: present
Mattanyahu: gift of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Mattattah: giving
Mattenai: giving
Mattithyahu: gift of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Mĕ’ah: hundred
Me’arah: cave
MeαΈ‡unnai: built up
Meḏan: strife
MeαΈ‘iddo / MeαΈ‘iddon: place of crowds
MehΔ•tab’ĕl / MehΔ•taḇ’ĕl: well pleasing to Δ”l
MeαΈ₯iḏa: noble, junction
MeαΈ₯ir: price
MehumanP: trustworthy
MeαΈ₯uya’ĕl: smitten by Δ”l
MekΔ•rathite: (weapons) of MekΔ•rath
MeαΈ΅onah: foundation
Melatyah: deliverance of Yah
Melea: dear friend
MeleαΈ΅: sovereign
MeleαΈ΅i: my sovereign
MeliαΈ΅u: royal
Melitĕ†: honey
MemuαΈ΅anP: dignified
MenaαΈ₯Δ•m: comforter
MenaαΈ₯tites / MenuαΈ₯othite: (rest) of ManaαΈ₯ath
Menashsheh: causing to forget
MenΔ•: measured
Meni*: fortune*, luck*
Menna: portion
Me’onothai: my dwellings
MΔ•pha’ath / Mopha’ath: splendour
MephiαΈ‡osheth: dispeller of shame
MΔ•raαΈ‡: increase
Merari: my bitterness
Merathayim: bitternesses
Merayah: rebellion to Yah
Merayoth: rebellious
Mereḏ: rebellion
MerΔ•moth: heights
Meres†: lofty
MeriαΈ‡-Ba’al: strife of Ba’al*
MeriαΈ‡ah: strife, contention
Meroḏaḡ†*: rebellion
MeroḏaαΈ΅-Balaḏan†: MeroḏaαΈ΅* has given a son
MΔ•rom: high place
MΔ•ronothite: (rejoicing) of Meronoth
MΔ•roz: refuge
MesheαΈ΅: precious
Meshelemyahu: recompense of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
MeshΔ•yzaḇ’ĕl: delivered of Δ”l
MeshillΔ•mith / MeshillΔ•moth: recompense
MeshoαΈ‡aαΈ‡: restored, backslider
Meshuliam: friend
Meshullemeth: friendly
Messenger: Angel*
Methusa’ĕl: man of Δ”l
MethushelaαΈ₯: man of the spear / weapons
MetsoαΈ‡ayah: found of Yah
Me’unim: dwelling places
MΔ•y Yarqon: waters of yellowness
MΔ•yḏaḏ: loving, affectionate
MΔ•yḏeαΈ‡a: waters of rest
MΔ•ysha: deliverance
MΔ•yshaḡ†: guest of the sovereign
MΔ•y-Zahab: water of gold
MiαΈ‡αΈ₯ar: choice
MiαΈ‡sam: fragrant, spice
MiαΈ‡tsar: fortress
Middin: contention, strife
Miḏyan: (Midian) contention striving
MiαΈ‘dal Δ”l: tower of Δ”l
Miḑdal Gaḏ: tower of Gaḏ
MiαΈ‘dol: tower
MiαΈ‘ron: precipice
MiαΈ΅a / MiαΈ΅ah: who is like Yah?
MiαΈ΅a’ĕl: who is like Δ”l?
Mikahu / Mikayahu: who is like 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄?
MiαΈ΅al: brook, stream
MiαΈ΅mas / MiαΈ΅mash: stored up, saved, hidden
MiαΈ΅methath: hiding place
MiαΈ΅ri: selling
Milalai: my talking, talkative
MilΔ•tos†: fine white wool
Milkah: queen
Milkom*: sovereign of greatness
Minni†: division
Minnith: numbering
Minyamin: from the right hand
Miphqaḏ: assignment, command
Miqdash: (Sanctuary) Set-apart Place
Miqdashim: Set-apart Places
Miqloth: rods, staves
MiqnΔ•yahu: possession of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Mirmah: deceit
Miryam: bitterness, rebellion
Misha’ĕl: who is what Δ”l is?
Mish’al: request
Mish’am: gaze, inspect
Mishkan: (Tabernacle) Dwelling Place
Mishkananoth: Dwelling Places
Mishma: hearing, obeying
Mishmannah: fatness
Mishraite: (spread abroad) of Mishra
Mispar: number
Mispereth: numbering
Misrephoth Mayim: hot waters
Mithnite: (slender) of Methen
Mithqah: sweetness
MithreḏathP: given by Mithra*
Mits’ar: few, small
Mitspah / MitspΔ•h: watch-tower
Mitsrayim: (Egypt) defences
MitulΔ•nΔ•G: mutilated
Miyamin: from the right hand
Mizzah: fear
MnasonG: remembering
Mo’aαΈ‡: of his father
Mo’aḏyah: appointed time of Yah
Molaḏah: birth
MoleαΈ΅*: sovereign
Moliḏ: bearer
MophE: abode of the good
Mopha’ath: splendour
MordeαΈ΅ai†: small man
Moreh: archer, teacher, rain
Moresheth: possession
Moriyah: seen of Yah
MosΔ•rah: bond
MosΔ•roth: bonds
MoshehE: (Moses) taken out, drawn forth
Motsa: going out, fountain
Motsah: drained
Muppim: waving
Mura: myrrh
Mushi: my touch, feel
Musia†: land of beech trees
Na’am: fair, pleasant
Na’amah / Na’aman: loveliness, pleasantness
Na’amathite: of Na’amah
Na’arah: young woman
Na’aran: young
Na’arai: youthful
NaαΈ‡a: prophesy*/prophesying
NaαΈ‡al: fool, senseless
NaαΈ‡i: prophet*
NaαΈ‡oth: fruits
NaαΈ‡u: prophesied
NaḏaαΈ‡: generous
Nahalal / Nahalol: pasture
NaαΈ₯ali’ĕl: wadi, valley of Δ”l
NaαΈ₯am: consolation
NaαΈ₯amani: my consolation
NaαΈ₯arai: nostrils, snorer
NaαΈ₯ash: snake, serpent
NaαΈ₯ath: rest, quiet
NaαΈ₯bi: withdrawn, hidden
NaαΈ₯or: hoarse, dry, hot
NaαΈ₯shon: observer, diviner
NaαΈ₯um: comfort
Na’im: pleasantness
NaαΈ΅dimon: son of silence
NaαΈ΅on: prepared, ready
Na’omi: my delight
Naphish: refreshed
Naphtali: my struggle
NaphtuαΈ₯im†: openings
NarkissosG: stupidity
Nathan-MeleαΈ΅: gift of the sovereign
Nathan: given, giving
Natsareth: of the branch
Nawith: homes, habitations
Nazirite: consecrated one
Nĕ’ah: shake, tremble
Ne’aryah: child of Yah
Ne’i’ĕl: moved of Δ”l
NeapolisG: new city
NΔ•αΈ‡ai: fruitful
NeαΈ‡allat: foolish secrecy
NeαΈ‡at: behold, regard
NeαΈ‡ayoth: fruitfulnesses
NeαΈ‡i’im: prophets
NeαΈ‡iyah: prophetess
NeαΈ‡o*: prophecy
NeαΈ‡uah: prophecy
NeαΈ‡uαΈ΅aḏnetstsar†/ NeαΈ‡uαΈ΅aḏretstsar: NeαΈ‡o* protects the crown
NeαΈ‡uoth: prophecies
NeαΈ‡ushazban†: Nebo* delivers me
NeαΈ‡uzaraḏan†: Nebo* has given seed
NeḏaαΈ‡yah: volunteered to Yah
NegeαΈ‡: south
NeαΈ₯elamite: (dreamer) of NeαΈ₯lam
NeαΈ₯emyah: comfort of Yah
NeαΈ₯um: comforted
NeαΈ₯ushta: bronze
NeαΈ₯ushtan*: made of bronze
NeαΈ΅oE: lame
Nemu’ĕl: pleasantness of Δ”l
NepheαΈ‘: sprout
Nephilim: fallen ones
Nephishesim / Nephusim: scatterings
Nephtowah: opening, open
Neqoḏa: marked, distinct
NΔ•r: lamp
NΔ•reusG: boat, float
NΔ•rαΈ‘al-Sar-Etser†: Nergal* is prince of fire
NΔ•rαΈ‘al†*: hero
NΔ•ri: my lamp
NΔ•riyahu: my lamp is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Neta’im: plantations
Nethan’ĕl: given of Δ”l
Nethanyahu: given of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Nethinim: given, offered
Netophah: dropping, prophesying
NetsiαΈ‡: station, garrison
NetsiyaαΈ₯: pre-eminent
NiαΈ‡αΈ₯az*: barker
NiαΈ‡shan: soft soil
Niger: black
NikanorG: victorious
NikolaitΔ•nsG: followers of Nikolaos or Nike*
NikolaosG: victory of the people
NikopolisG: victorious city
Nimrah: limpid, clear
Nimrim: clear, limpid
Nimroḏ†: rebellion
Nimshi: drawn out
NinewΔ•h†: abode of Ninus*
Nisan†*: flight
Nisroḡ†*: great eagle
NoE*: disrupting
No’aḏyah: meeting with Yah
No’ah: motion
NoaαΈ₯: rest, quiet
NoαΈ‡: fruit
NoαΈ‡aαΈ₯: bark, yelp
Noḏ: wandering
NoḏaαΈ‡: noble, presented
NoαΈ‘ah: brightness, shining
NoαΈ₯ah: rest, quietude
NophE: presentable
NophaαΈ₯: gust, blast
NumphasL: bridegroom
Nun: posterity
OαΈ‡aḏyahu: servant of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
OαΈ‡al: stripped
Oḇĕḏ: servant
Oḇĕḏ-Eḏom: servant of Eḏom
OαΈ‡il: mournful
OαΈ‡oth: water-skins
Oḏĕḏ: repeat
OαΈ‘: round, cake
Ohaḏ: united
Ohel: tent
Oholah: her tent
OholiaαΈ‡: tent of his father
OholiαΈ‡ah: my tent in her
OholiαΈ‡amah: my tent is exalted
OαΈ΅ran: troubled
Olam: eternity
OlumpasG: heavenly
Omar: speaker, eloquent
Omri: heaping
Onam / Onan: strong, vigorous
OnE*: strength, vigour
OnΔ•simosG: profitable, useful
OnΔ•siphorosG: bringing profit
Ono: strength, might
Ophai: my bird
Ophel: hill, mound
Ophir: reduced to ashes
Ophni: mouldy
Ophrah: fawn
OrΔ•αΈ‡: raven
Oren: cedar
Ornan: strong cedar
Orpah: gazelle
Osnappar: unhappiness
Othni: forcible
Othni’ĕl: force of Δ”l
Otsem: strengthen
Ozni: my ear, my hearing
Pa’arai: gaping, opening
Paddan Aram: cultivated field, plateau
Paḏon: ransom
Paḑ’i’ĕl: happening of Δ”l
PaαΈ₯ath-Mo’aαΈ‡: pit of Mo’aαΈ‡
Pai: crying, bleating
Palal: judge, intercede
Pallu: distinguished
Palti: my deliverance
Palti’ĕl: my deliverance is Δ”l
PamphuliaG: of every tribe
Paphos†: boiling, hot
Parah: cow, heifer
Paran: ornamental
ParasP: (Persia) pure, splendid
Parbar†: open structure
ParmashtaP: superior
ParmenasG: abiding
Parnaḡ†: delicate
Parosh: flea
ParshandathaP: given by prayer
Parthian†: (pledge) of Parthia
ParuwaαΈ₯: sprout, blossom
Parwayim: ornaments
PasaαΈ΅: cut off
Pasdammim: hand of bloodshed
PasΔ•aαΈ₯: passing over, limping
PashαΈ₯ur: freedom
Patara†: scattering, cursing
Pathros / PathrusimE: region of the south
Patmos†: mortal
PatrobasG: paternal
Pa’u: crying, bleating
PaulusL: small, little
Pe’or: cleft, opening
Pe’ullethai: my works
Peḏah’ĕl: ransomed of Δ”l
Peḏahtsur: ransomed by the Rock
Peḏayahu: redemption of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Pelalyah: entreating Yah
Pelatyahu: delivered of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Pelayah: distinguished of Yah
PeleαΈ‘: division
Pelesheth: (Philistia) land of sojourners
Peleth: swift
Pelishtite: (sojourners) of Pelesheth
Pelonite: (distinct) of Pelon
Peni’ĕl / Penu’ĕl: face of Δ”l
Peninnah: jewel, gem, precious stone
PeqaαΈ₯: opened
PeqaαΈ₯yah: seen of Yah
Peqoḏ: visitation
Perath: (Euphrates) fruitfulness
Peratsim: divisions, breaches
Peresh: dung
Perets Uzza: breach of Uzza
Perets: breach, division
PergamosG: height, elevation
PergeG: tower
Periḏa / Peruḏa: separated, dispersed
Perizzite: of Peraz (village)
PersisG: woman of Paras
PesaαΈ₯: Passover
PethaαΈ₯yah: opened of Yah
Pethor†: diviner
Pethu’ĕl: opened of Δ”l
PharaohE: great house
Pharisee: separate
Pharpar: rushing, rapid
PhΔ•lixL: happy, prosperous
PhiladelphiaG: love of a brother
PhilemonG: friendly, who kisses
PhilΔ•tosG: amiable, beloved
PhilipposG: (Phillip) a lover of horses
PhilologosG: lover of the Word
PhineαΈ₯as / PineαΈ₯as: mouth of a serpent
PhlegonG: burning
PhoibeG: radiant
Phoinikĕ†: (Phoenicia) palm trees
PhortunatosG: fortunate
Phrugia†: dry, barren
PhugellosG: fugitive
Pi αΈ†eseth: mouth of loathing
Pi ha’Ḁiroth: mouth of the caves
PiαΈ΅ol: mouth of all, every tongue
Pildash†: flame of fire
PilαΈ₯a: slicing
Piltai: my deliverance
PilatusL: armed with a spear
PineαΈ₯as: mouth of a serpent
Pinon: darkness
Piram: wild donkey
Pirathon: leadership
Pisgah: cleft, pass
Pishon: dispersive, spreading
Pisidia†: pitch, pitchy
Pispah: dispersion
PithomE: city of justice
Pithon: harmless
PoαΈ΅ereth: entrap
PontiusL: of the sea
PontusL: sea
PopliusL: popular
PorathaP: fruitful
Porkios PhΔ•stosL: swinelike joy
Poti-PheraE: one whom Ra* gave
PotioloiL: sulfurous springs
PotipharE: of the sun
Priska / PriskillaL: ancient
ProαΈ΅orosG: leader of the choir
PtolemaisG: warlike
Pu’ah: brilliance, glitter
PudΔ•sL: modest
Pul: distinguishing
Punon: distracted, turned
Pur: lot, piece
Purah: bough, branch
Purim: lots, cast lots
Put†: (Libya) a bow
Puthite: (hinge) of Puth
PuthonG: divination
Puti’ĕl: afflicted of Δ”l
Puw’ah: blow away, blast
QaαΈ‡tse’ĕl: gathering of Δ”l
Qaḏĕsh: qodesh place
Qaḏĕsh BarnΔ•a: qodesh place of wandering
Qaḏmi’ĕl: from of old is Δ”l
Qaḏmon: east
Qaḏmonite: of Qaḏmon
Qadosh: (sanctify/sanctified) set-apart
Qadosh One: Set-apart One
Qallai: swift
Qamon: elevation
Qanah: reed
QarΔ•aαΈ₯: bald
Qarnayim: horns
Qarqa: floor
Qarqor: foundation
Qartah: city
Qartan: cities
Qattath: smallness
Qayapha: he that seeks with diligence
Qayin: (Cain) possession or possessed
Qĕḏar: dark
Qĕḏemah: precedence
Qeḏĕmoth: beginnings
Qeḏesh: sanctuary
Qehath: assembly
QehΔ•lathah: assemblage
Qe’ilah: citadel, fortress
QΔ•layah: despised of Yah
Qelita: crippled
Qemu’ĕl: raised of Δ”l
QΔ•nan: nested
Qenath: possession
Qenaz: hunter
Qeren ha’PuαΈ΅: horn of adornment
Qeriyoth: of cities
QΔ•ros / QΔ•yros: ankle
Qesem: divining
Qetsi’ah: cassia
Qetsits: cut off
Qeturah: incense
QΔ•ynite: of Qayin
QΔ•ynan: nested, settled
QΔ•yros: ankle
QiαΈ‡roth ha’Tta’awah: graves of lust
QiαΈ‡tsayim: gatherings
Qiḏron: darkened, mourned
Qinah: lamentation
Qir: wall
Qir αΈ€araseth / Qir αΈ€areseth: wall of potsherds
Qir αΈ€eres: wall of potsherd
Qiryath: city
Qiryath Arba / Qiryath ha’Arba: city of the fourth
Qiryath Arim: city of a forest
Qiryath Ba’al: city of Ba’al*
Qiryath αΈ€utsoth: city of streets
Qiryath Sannah: city of branches
Qiryath SΔ•pher: city of the book
Qiryath Ye’arim: city of forests
Qiryath: buildings, city
Qiryathayim: two cities
Qish: bent
Qishi: bowed
Qishon: hard
Qishyon: hardness
Qitron: incense
Qleophas: renown of my father
Qodesh: (holy*) set-apart
Qodeshah: (holiness) set-apartness
Qodeshi: (saint*) set-apart one
Qodeshim:(saints) set-apart ones
Qlophah: exchange
Qoheleth: convener, preacher
Qolayah: voice of Yah
QoraαΈ₯: bald
QorΔ•: crier
QorαΈ₯ite: of Qorah
Qots: thorn
Qowa: clip off
QuartusL: fourth
QuΔ•: bind
QuΔ•h: bound, twisted
QuiriniusL: warrior
Qushayahu: bow of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Ra’amses / Ra’mesesE: child of the son
Ra’amyah: thunder of Yah
RaαΈ‡-MaαΈ‘ / RaαΈ‡maḑ†: chief magician, prince
RaαΈ‡-Saris / RaαΈ‡saris†: chief of the Eunuchs
Rabbah: great
Rabbi: my teacher
Rabbith: multitude
RaαΈ‡shaqΔ•h: chief cup-bearer
Raddai: my dominion
RaαΈ‘u’ĕl: friend of Δ”l
RahaαΈ‡: proud
RaαΈ₯aαΈ‡: broad, wide
RahaαΈ‡-HΔ•m-SheαΈ‡eth: proud and wealthy at rest
RaαΈ₯am: compassion
RaαΈ₯Δ•l: (Rachel) ewe
Raka: worthless, senseless
RaαΈ΅al: merchant
Ram: high, exalted
Ra’mah: thunder, horses mane
Ramah: high place
Ramath LeαΈ₯i: height of the jawbone
Ramath Mitspeh: height of the watchtower
Ramath NeαΈ‘eαΈ‡: heights of the south
Ramathayim Tsophim: height of watchtowers
Ramathite: (heights) of Ramath
Ramoth: high places
Ramoth Gil’ad: (rocky) height of Gil’ad
Ramyah: raised of Yah
Rapha / Raphah: heal
Raphu: healed
Raqem / Reqem: embroider, multi-coloured
Raqqath: beach, shoreline
Raqqon: leanness
Re’ayah: seen of Yah
ReαΈ‡a: four
Re’ĕlayah: trembling of Yah
ReαΈ‘em-MeleαΈ΅: heap of the sovereign
ReαΈ‘em: stone-heap
ReαΈ₯aḇ’am: enlarged people
ReαΈ₯aαΈ‡yahu: enlarged of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
ReαΈ₯oαΈ‡: expanse
ReαΈ₯oαΈ‡oth: expanses
ReαΈ₯oαΈ‡oth ha’Nahar: expanses by the river
ReαΈ₯oαΈ‡oth Ir: expanses of the city
ReαΈ₯um: compassion
Rĕ’i: my friend
RΔ•αΈ΅aαΈ‡: rider
RΔ•αΈ΅ah: tender
Remalyahu: adorned of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Remeth: height
Repha’el: healing of Δ”l
Repha’im: giants, made whole
Repha’ite: (giant) oh Raphah
RephaαΈ₯: healing breath
Rephayah: healing of Yah
Rephiḏim: resting places
Resen: bridle
Resheph: flame
Retseph: hot stone, burning coal
Retsin: delight, desire
Re’u: a friend
Re’uαΈ‡Δ•n: (Ruben) behold, a son
Re’uw’ĕl: friend of Δ”l
Re’uwmah: elevated, raised
Rezon: prince
RhegiumL: breach, fracture
RhodΔ•G: rose
RhodosG: rosy
RiαΈ‡ai: my strife
RiαΈ‡lah: fertile
RiαΈ‡qah: (Rebecca) captivating
Rimmon: pomegranate
Rimmon*: Syrian deity of wind, rain and storm
Rinnah: shout, rejoicing
Riphath†: spoken
Rissah: ruins
Rithmah: broom tree
Ritspah: hot stone, paving stone
Ritsya: delight
Roḏanim: leaders
RoαΈ‘elim: walkers, travelers
Rohagah: outcry
Romamti-Ezer: raised up help
RomeL: strength, power
Rosh: head
RuaαΈ₯ ha’Qodesh: (Holy Spirit) Set-apart Spirit
RuaαΈ₯: Spirit
RuaαΈ₯oth: Spirits
RufusL: red
Rumah: height
Ruth: friend
SaαΈ‡ta /Β  SaαΈ‡tah: striking
SaαΈ‡teαΈ΅a: smiting
Sadducees: (Hebrew: tsadiqim) righteous ones
SaαΈ΅ar: recompense
SalamisG: wave, surge
Salem: peace
SalαΈ΅ah: walking
Sallai / Sallu / Salu: weighed
Salma: garment
Salmai: my covering
Salmon / SalmonΔ•G: clothed
Samgar-NeαΈ‡o†: sword of NeαΈ‡o*
Samlah: garment
SamosG: sandy bluff
SamothrakΔ•G: sign of rags
SanballatP: strength
Sanhedrin: joint session
SanαΈ₯Δ•riḇ†: moon of multiplied brothers
Sansannah: palm branch
Saph: container
Sappirah: Sapphire
Sarah: princess, noblewoman, queen
Sarai: my princess, my lady
Saraph: burn
Sardis†: red ones
Sar’etser†: prince of fire
Sargon†: prince of the sun
Sariḏ: remaining, survivor
SarseαΈ΅im†: prince of eunuchs
Satan: adversary
Se’ir / Se’irah: hairy, shaggy
Se’orim: barley
SeαΈ‡a: drinker
SeαΈ‡a’ites: of Seba
SeαΈ‡am: spice, fragrant
Seḏom: burning
SeαΈ‘uαΈ‡: raised, exalted
SeαΈ΅aαΈ΅ah: covering, fence, enclosure
SeαΈ΅u: watchtower
SekundosL: second
Sela / Selah: rock
Sela ha’MaαΈ₯leqoth: rock of divisions
Seleḏ: exultation
Seleukeia†: white light
SemaαΈ΅yahu: sustained by 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Sena’ah: thorny
Seneh: thorn
Senir: pointed, peak
Senuah: bristled, prickly
Sephar: number
Sepharaḏ†: separated
Sepharim / Sepharwayim†: two separations
SeraαΈ₯: excess
Seraphim: fiery ones
Serayahu: my ruler is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Sereḏ: tremble, fear
SergiusL-: earth born
SeruαΈ‘: branch, entwine
SewΔ•nΔ•hE: seven
Sha’alabbin: place of foxes
Sha’alαΈ‡im: fox holes
Sha’albonite: of Sha’alαΈ‡im
Sha’alim: foxes
Sha’aph: dividing, debranch
Sha’arayim: double gates
Sha’ashgazP: servant of the lovely
Shabbath: Sabbath
Shabbathoth: Sabbaths
ShaαΈ‡uoth: Weeks
Shabbethai: my rest
Shaḏraḡ†: royal
ShaαΈ‘Δ•: error
ShaαΈ₯arayim: mornings, double dawn
ShaαΈ₯atsimah: proud
ShalΔ•m: peaceful
Shalishah: third, tripled
ShalleαΈ΅eth: felling
Shallum / Shallun: retribution, recompense
Shalman†: fire worshipper
Shalmaneser†: fire worshipper
Shama: obedient
Shamayim: heaven/s*
Shamgar†: sword
Shamhuth: desolation
Shamir: thorn, sharp
Shamlai: my garment
Shamma / Shammah: desolate, astonish
Shammai: my desolation
Shammoth: desolations
Shammua: renowned
Shamsherai: sun-like
Sha’on: uproar, destruction
Shapham: bald
Shaphan: rabbit, rock badger
Shaphat: judge
Shapher: elegant
Shaphir: delightful
Shar’etser†: prince of fire
Sharai: my enemy
Sharar: enemy
Sharon: plain, level
SharuαΈ₯en: dwelling of favour
Shashai: whitish, linen
Shashaq: long leg, runner
Sha’ul: asked, requested
ShawΔ•h: plain
Shawsha: joyful
She’al: asked
She’alti’ĕl: asked of Δ”l
She’ar-YashuαΈ‡: remnant shall return
She’aryah: opening of Yah
SheαΈ‡a†: oath, seven
SheαΈ‡anyahu: increased of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
SheαΈ‡arim: breaches, fractures
SheαΈ‡at: rod, staff
SheαΈ‡er: break, fracture
SheαΈ‡nah: growth
SheαΈ‡u’ĕl: captivity of Δ”l
ShedΔ•y’ur: spreader of light
She’erah: relation, kinswoman
SheαΈ₯aryah: sought of Yah
SheαΈ΅anyahu: dwelling of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
SheαΈ΅em: shoulder, back
ShΔ•lah: request
ShΔ•laαΈ₯: sprout
ShelaαΈ₯: throw, spear, weapon, branch
Shelemyahu: peace offering of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Sheleph: extract, drawn out
Shelesh: third, triple
Shelomah: peaceful
Shelomi: my peace
Shelomith: peacefulness
Shelomoh: (Solomon) peace
Shelomoth: peacefully
Shelumi’ĕl: my peace is Δ”l
ShΔ•m: name, renown
Shem’ĕḇer: illustrious
Shema: hearing
Shema’ah: report
Shemaryahu: guarded by 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Shemayahu: heard by 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Shemer: kept, preserved
Shemiḏa: name of knowledge
Shemiramoth: name of heights
Shemu’ĕl: (Samuel) heard by Δ”l
ShΔ•n: tooth, crag
Shenatstsar†: splendid leader
Shenir: pointed, peak
Shepham: bare
Shephatyahu: judged of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Shephi: my bareness, my baldness
Shepho: his bareness, his baldness
Shephupham / Shephuphan: serpent
ShΔ•rΔ•αΈ‡yah: scorched of Yah
Sheresh: root
ShΔ•shai: my lily
ShΔ•shaαΈ΅: thigh, runner
ShΔ•shaḡ†: fine linen
ShΔ•shan: lily
ShΔ•shbatstsar†: worshipper of fire
ShΔ•th: appointed, placed
ShΔ•thar†: star
Shethar-Bozenai†: star of splendour
ShΔ•thur: hidden
Shewa: false
ShiαΈ‡ah: oath, seven
Shibboleth / Sibboleth: flowing streams, ears of corn
ShiαΈ‡mah: spice, fragrance
ShiαΈ‘ionoth: rambling poem
ShiαΈ₯or LiαΈ‡nath: dark whiteness
ShiαΈ₯or: black, dark
Shikkeron: drunkenness
ShilαΈ₯i: my weapon
ShilαΈ₯im: weapons
ShillΔ•m: repaid, recompense
ShiloaαΈ₯: sent
Shiloh: at rest, tranquil
Shiloni: my rest
Shilonite: of Shiloh
Shilshah: triplet, third
Shim’a / Shim’ah: report
Shim’am: report of the people
Shim’ath: report, sound
Shim’i: my renown, my name
Shim’on: (Simeon) heard
Shimon: desert
Shim’on Bar-Yonah: Shim’on son of Yonah
Shimrath: guarding
Shimri: watching
Shimrith: watchful
Shimron MΔ•ron: guard-post of rebellion
Shimshai: my sunshine
Shimshon: (Samson) sunshine
ShinaαΈ‡: changed father
Shin’ar / Shinar†: of two rivers
Shiphi: abundant
Shiphmite: of Shepham
Shiphrah: brightness, lovely
Shiphtan: judicial
Shisha: whitened, marble
ShishaqE: fine linen
Shitrai: my officers
Shittim: thorny, acacia
Shiyon: ruin
Shiza: splendour
ShoαΈ‡aαΈ‡: rebellious
ShoαΈ‡ai: my captivity
ShoαΈ‡aαΈ΅: thicket, thick boughs
ShoαΈ‡al: overflowing
ShoαΈ‡Δ•q: forsaken
ShoαΈ‡i: my captor
ShoαΈ‡yah: captive of Yah
Shoham: pale gem, onyx
ShomΔ•r: keeper
Shomeron: (Samaria) guarded
ShophaαΈ΅: pour, spill
Shophan: hidden, treasure
Shoshannah: lily-like
Showa: rich
Shu’al: jackal, fox
ShuαΈ‡a’ĕl: captivity of Δ”l
ShuαΈ₯ah: pit
ShuαΈ₯am: humble
ShuαΈ₯ite: (bowed) of ShuwaαΈ₯
Shulammite: peaceable
Shumathite: (garlic) of Shumah
ShunΔ•m: restful
Shuni: my rest
Shuppim: serpents
Shur: wall
Shushan: lily
ShuthelaαΈ₯: rushing breakage
Shuwa: cry, freedom, saving
ShuwaαΈ₯: bowed
Si’a: converse
Si’aha: departing
SibbeαΈ΅ai: my weaving
SiαΈ‡mah: spice, fragrance
SiαΈ‡rayim: hopes
Siddim: fields, plains
SiαΈ₯on: sweeping, wipe out
Sikkuth†*: covering
SilaL: woody, of the forest
Silla: embankment, mound
Sin: thorn
Sinai: thorny
Sinim: thorns
Siphmoth: bare places
Sippai: spread out, basin
Sirah: depart
Siryon: breastplate, sheeted
Sisera†: battle array
Sismai: crane, swallow
Sithri: covering
Sitnah: strife
SiwanP: covering
Siyon: elevation, peak
SkeuaL: left handed
SkuthianG: (Scythian) rude, rough
SmurnaG: myrrh
So: concealed
Soḏi: my confidant
SoαΈ΅o / SoαΈ΅oh: entwine, bushy
SopatrosG: saved of the Father
Sophereth: writing
SorΔ•q: choice vine
SosipatrosG: saved of the Father
SosthenΔ•sG: savior of the nation
Sotai: turning away
Spania†:(Spain) rare
StaαΈ΅usG: head of grain
Stephanas / StephanosG: crowned
SuαΈ΅ath: branches
SuαΈ΅athite: of SuαΈ΅ath
Sukkite: of Sukkoth
Sukkoth: tents, booths
Sukkoth Benoth: tents of daughters
SuntuαΈ΅Δ•G: accident
SuphE: reed
Suphah: whirlwind, storm
Sur: turning aside
Surakousai†: Syrian hearing
Suria†: (Syria) exalted
Suro-PhoinikΔ•an†: exalted palms
SurtisG: sandbanks
Susi: my horse
SuwaαΈ₯: wipe away, sweeping
T’fillen: phylacteries, frontlets
Ta’anak : sandy
Ta’anath Shiloh: approach to Shiloh
Ta’arΔ•a: lowly, inferior
Taḇ’ĕrah: burning
Tabba’oth: rings
Tabbath: goodness
TaαΈ‡e’ĕl: good Δ”l
TaαΈ‡itha: gazelle
TaαΈ‡or: mound
TaαΈ‡rimmon†: good Rimmon*
Taddai†: big-hearted, courageous
Taḏmor: palm-tree
TaαΈ₯an: camp
TaαΈ₯ash: antelope
TaαΈ₯ath: bottom, under
TaαΈ₯kemonite: one made skillful, wise
TaαΈ₯panαΈ₯es / TaαΈ₯penΔ•s / TeαΈ₯aphneαΈ₯esE: hands filled with pity
TaαΈ₯rΔ•a: cunning
TaαΈ₯tim αΈ€oḏshi: lowest moon
Talmai: my furrow
Talmid: (disciple) taught one
Talmidim: (disciples) taught ones
Talmon: oppressive
Tamar: date palm
Tammuz*: sprout of life
TanαΈ₯umeth: consolation, comfort
Taphath: dropping
TappuaαΈ₯: apple, apple tree
Taralah: reeling
Tarshish / Tarshishah†: topaz, yellow gem
TarsosG: flat basket
TarsusG: armed of Zeus*
Tartan†: (military title) a commander
Tartaq†*: prince of darkness
Tattenai†: gift
TeαΈ‡aαΈ₯: slaughter
TeαΈ‡alyahu: immersed of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
TΔ•αΈ‡Δ•th†: goodness
Tehillah: psalm
Tehillim: psalms
TeαΈ₯innah: supplication
TΔ•l AαΈ‡iαΈ‡: mound of ears of corn
TΔ•l αΈ€arsha: mound of the craftsman
TΔ•l Melah: mound of salt
TelαΈ₯: severed, breach
Tela’im: lambs
Telassar†: hill of gladness
Telem: oppression
TΔ•ma†: desert
TemaαΈ₯/TΔ•maαΈ₯: laughter
TΔ•man: south
TΔ•meni: southern
Teqal: weighed
Teqowa: trumpet
TeraαΈ₯†: destitute
Teresh†: strict
TertiusL: third
TertullusL: triple hardened
ThΔ•αΈ‡Δ•ts: whiteness
TheophilosG: Elohim’s friend
ThessalonikΔ•G: victory of falsity
ThuatiraG: odour of affliction
TiαΈ‡αΈ₯ath: slaughterings
TiαΈ‡ni: my straw
Tid’al: fearfulness
TiαΈ‘lath-Pileser†: uncover the bond
Timai: unclean, defiled
Timna / Timnah: restraint
Timnah / Timnath / Timnathah: portion
Timnath αΈ€eres: portion of the sun
Timnath SeraαΈ₯: portion of excess
TimonG: honorable, valuable
TimotheosG: (Timothy) honouring Elohim
TiphsaαΈ₯: passage, pass over
Tiqwah: hope
Tiras†: desire
Tirathite: (gates) of Tirath
Tireya: fearful
TirαΈ₯anah†: favoured
Tirhaqah†: inquirer
Tirtsah: acceptable, pleasing
Tishbite: (captivity) of Tesheb
Titzite: (go) of Titsi
TitusL: nurse
ToαΈ‡: good, goodness
ToαΈ‡aḏoniyah: my good master Yah
ToαΈ‡iyahu: my good is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Toḏah: thanks
ToαΈ‘armah†: you will break her
ToαΈ₯u: lowly
To’i: stray, wander
ToαΈ΅en: measure, quantity
Tola: worm, scarlet
Tolaḏ: descendant
To’ma: (Thomas) twin
Tophel: quagmire
Topheth: place of fire
Toqhath: obedience
Torah: Teaching, Law
Torot: Teachings, Laws
To’u: wander, stray
TowaαΈ₯: humble
TraαΈ΅onitisG: rocky, rough
TroasG: (penetrated) of Troy
Trogullion†: cache, stored
TrophimosG: nutritious
TruphainaG: luxurious, delicate
TruphosaG: luxuriating
TuαΈ‡al-Qayin: brought possession
TuαΈ‡al: to be brought
TuαΈ΅ikosG: by chance
Tulon: elevate
Tummim: perfections
TurannosG: tyrant, ruler
Tsa’anan: sheep, migrate
Tsa’anannim: migrations
Tsa’anayim: migrations
Tsaḏoq: righteous
Tsa’ir: little
Tsalaph: wound
Tsalmon: shady
Tsalmonah: shady
Tsalmunna: shade withheld
Tsaphnath Pa’nΔ•aαΈ₯E: treasury of glorious rest
Tsaphon: north, dark
Tsarephath: refinery
Tsarethan: pierced
TseαΈ‡ayim / TseαΈ‡oyim / TseαΈ‡o’im: gazelles
Tseḏaḏ: side
Tsela: limping
TselapheαΈ₯aḏ / TselophαΈ₯aḏ: born first
Tseleq: split, fissure
TseltsaαΈ₯: bright shadow
Tsemarayim: woolen fleeces
Tsemarite:Β  of Tsemarayim
Tsenan: pointed
Tsephanyahu: treasured of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Tsephath: watchtower
Tsephathah: watchtower
Tsephi: my watcher
Tsepho: watcher
Tsephon: dark, hidden
TsΔ•r: distress
Tserĕḏah: pierced
Tserĕḏathah: piercings
TserΔ•rah: pierce
Tsereth: splendour
Tsereth ShaαΈ₯ar: splendor of the dawn
Tseri: crack, leak
Tseror: bundle
Tseru’ah: leprous
Tseruyah: pain or tribulation of Yah
TsiαΈ‡a: station
Tsiḇ’on: coloured
TsiαΈ‡ya / TsiαΈ‡yah: gazelle, roe deer
Tsiddim: sides
Tsiḏon: hunting, fishing
Tsiḏqiyahu: righteousness of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
TsiαΈ₯a: parched, drought
Tsillah: shadow
Tsillethai: my shadow
Tsin: prick
Tsi’or: smallness
Tsiphyon: watchman
Tsippor / Tsipporah: bird, sparrow
TsiqlaαΈ‘: winding
Tsits: flower
Tsitsit: tassels
Tsiyon: monument, waymark
Tso’anE: place of departure
Tso’ar: little, small
TsoαΈ‡a / TsoαΈ‡ah: station
TsoαΈ‡Δ•αΈ‡ah: canopy
TsoαΈ₯ar: whiteness
TsophaαΈ₯: expand
Tsophai: my honeycomb
Tsophar: departing early
Tsophim: watchers
Tsor: sharp stone
Tsorah / Tsor’ah: hornet
Tsu’ar: little, small
Tsuph: honeycomb
Tsur: stone, rock
TsurΔ•y ha’Ye’Ĕylim: rocks of wild goats
Tsuri’ĕl: my rock is Δ”l
Tsurishaddai: my rock is the Almighty
U’ĕl: desire of Δ”l
UαΈ΅al: devoured
UlaiP: my leaders
Ulam: dumb, solitary
Ulla: yoke
Ummah: union, close
Unni: afflicted
Upharsin: divided
Uphaz: reduced to ashes
Ur-Kasdim: light of Kesed
Ur: flame, light
UrbanusL: of the city
Uri: my light
Uri’ĕl: my light is Δ”l
Urim: lights
Uriyahu: my light is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Uthai: my assistance
Uts: counsel
Uzai: my strength
Uzal†: flooded
Uzzah: strength
Uzzen She’erah: broadening of the kinswoman
Uzzi: my strength
Uzzi’ĕl: my strength is Δ”l
Uzziya / Uzziyahu: my strength is 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
WahΔ•αΈ‡: come now
Wanyah: answered of Yah
Washni: my keeper
WashtiP: beautiful
Wayezatha†: sprinkling the chamber
Weḏan: and Dan
Wophsi: my addition
Ya’ala: ascending, a little doe or goat
Ya’anai: I am answered
Ya’aqan: torturous
Ya’aqoαΈ‡: (Jacob / James) heel holder, supplanter
Ya’aqoαΈ‡ah: supplanter, deceiver, the heel
Ya’areshyah: the bed of Yah, taken of Yah
Ya’arΔ•y-OreαΈ‘im: forest of weavers
Ya’asi’ĕl: my maker is Δ”l
Ya’asu: they will do
Ya’azanyahu: heard of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Ya’azi’ĕl: emboldened of Δ”l
Ya’aziyahu: emboldened of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
YaαΈ‡al: a stream
Yabboq: pouring forth: as a river
YaαΈ‡Δ•sh: dryness, ashamed
YaαΈ‡Δ•sh Gil’aḏ: dry rock
YaαΈ‡Δ•ts: sorrow, grieved
YaαΈ‡in: he that understands
YaαΈ‡ne’ĕl: built of Δ”l
YaαΈ‡neh: built up
Yaḏa: to know
Yaddu: praised
Yaddua: knowing
Yaḏon: thankful, hands raised
Ya’ĕl: a wild goat, agile
YaαΈ‘ur: stranger, sojourning
Yah: abbreviation of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
YaαΈ₯ath: unity
Yahats / Yahatsah: stamped, threshing floor
YaαΈ₯azi’ĕl: seen of Δ”l
Yahdai: Yah will place
YaαΈ₯di’ĕl: unity of Δ”l
YaαΈ₯do: his unity
YaαΈ₯le’ĕl: waiting on Δ”l
YaαΈ₯mai: hot, making warm
Yaho’addah: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has adorned
Yaho’addan / Yaho’addin: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is pleased
Yaho’aαΈ₯az: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has seized
Yaho’ash: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 burns
YahoαΈ₯anan: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has favoured
YahonaḏaαΈ‡: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is willing
Yahonathan: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has given
Yahoram: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is exalted
YahosΔ•ph: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has added
Yahoshaḇ’ath: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 oath
Yahoshaphat: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is judge
YahosheαΈ‡a: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has sworn
Yahoshua: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 delivers
Yahotsaḏaq: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is righteous
Yahoyaḏa / Yoyaḏa: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 knows
YahoyaαΈ΅in: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 establishes
Yahoyaqim: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 raises up
YahoyariαΈ‡: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 contends
YahozaαΈ‡aḏ: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has endowed
Yahtsah: stamped, trodden
YaαΈ₯tse’ĕl / YaαΈ₯tsi’ĕl: divided by Δ”l
Yahu: he who exists
Yahuḏ: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is praised
Yahuḏah: (Judah / Jude / Judas) 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 be praised
Yahuḏi: (Jew/Jewish) 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is my praise
Yahuḏim: Jews
Yahuḏith: (Judith) 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 be praised
Yahuḏiyah: my praise of Yah
YahuαΈ΅al: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is able
YaαΈ₯zΔ•rah: enclosed, protected
YaαΈ₯zeyah: seen of Yah
Ya’ir: my light, enlightened
Yakan: oppressing
YaαΈ΅in: he will establish
Ya’lam: hidden, secret
Yalon: lodging
Yamin: right hand
YamlΔ•αΈ΅: reigning
Yanah: afflict, oppress
Yanim: sleeping
YanoαΈ₯ah: quiet, rested
YanowaαΈ₯: resting
Yaphah: lovely
Yaphiya: shining
YaphlΔ•t: delivering
Yapho: beautiful
Yaqeh: obedient
Yaqim: rising
Yarah: forest
YardΔ•n: (Jordan River) descending
YarΔ•αΈ‡: striving
YarαΈ₯aE: month of sweeping away
YariαΈ‡: striving
Yarmuth: heights
Yaroḇ’am: striving of the people
YarowaαΈ₯: moon
Yesar’ĕlah: upright Δ”lah
Yashar: (Jasher) upright, right
YashΔ•n: sleeping
Yashoḇ’am: return of the people
YashuαΈ‡: he will return
YashuαΈ‡i-LeαΈ₯em: returner of bread
YasonG: he that heals
Yathni’ĕl: endurance of Δ”l
Yattir: abundant
Yawan: (Greece) wine
Yawanite: Greek
Ya’zΔ•r: helpful
Yaziz: prominent
Ye’arim: forests
Ye’atherai: stepping
YeαΈ‡ereαΈ΅yahu: blessed of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
YeαΈ‡us: threshing
Yeḏayah: the hand of Yah
Yeḏiḏah: beloved
Yeḏiḏeyah: beloved of Yah
Yeḏiya’ĕl: known / knowledge of Δ”l
Yeḏuthun: praiseworthy
Yeḑar Sahaḏutha: heap of witness
Yehallel’ĕl: praise Δ”l
YeαΈ₯deyahu: unity of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
YeαΈ₯ezqΔ•l: strength of Δ”l
YeαΈ₯i’ĕl: living Δ”l
YeαΈ₯i’ĕli: my Δ”l lives
YeαΈ₯iyah: living Yah
YeαΈ₯izqiyahu: strength of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
YeαΈ₯ubbah: hidden
Ye’i’ĕl: swept away by Δ”l
YeαΈ΅olyahu: ability of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
YeαΈ΅onyahu: established of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Yemimah: warm as the day
Yemu’ĕl: day of Δ”l
Yepheth: opened, enlarged
Yephunneh: turning toward, facing
YeqaαΈ‡tse’ĕl: assembling of Δ”l
Yeqam’am rising of the people
Yeqamyah: rising of Yah
Yequthi’ĕl: obedience to Δ”l
YearαΈ₯: the moon, month
YearαΈ₯me’ĕl: compassion of Δ”l
Yereḏ: (Jared) descend
YerΔ•mai: my exaltation
YerΔ•moth/Yerimoth: exaltations
Yeri’ĕl: taught of Δ”l
YeriαΈ‡ai: my strife
YeriαΈ₯o: his moon
Yeriyahu: taught of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Yeriyoth: curtains, breakages
YeroαΈ₯am: compassionate
Yeru’ĕl: taught of Δ”l
Yerubba’al: let Ba’al* defend his cause
Yerubbesheth: strife of shame
Yerusha/Yerushah: possession
Yerushalayim: (Jerusalem) teaching of peace
Yeshayahu: (Isaiah) salvation of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Yeshanah: old
Yesheḇ’aαΈ‡: dwelling of the father
YΔ•sher: right, straight
Yeshishai: my old one
YeshoαΈ₯ayah: emptied of Yah
YΔ•shua: salvation
Yeshurun: upright one
Yesimi’ĕl: appointed of Δ”l
Yether: abundance
YethΔ•th: nail
YΔ•tser: formed
Yetur: enclosed
Ye’u’ĕl: taken away of Δ”l
Ye’ush: assembler
Ye’uts: counsellor
Yezanyahu: heard of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Yezaw’ĕl: sprinkled of Δ”l
YiαΈ‡αΈ₯ar: chosen
YiαΈ‡le’am: devouring people
YiαΈ‡neyah / YiαΈ‡niyah: building of Yah
YiαΈ‡sam: fragrant, spice
Yiḏalah: memorial of Yah
Yiḏbash: honey-like
Yiḏlaph: weeping
Yiḑ’al: redeemer
YiαΈ‘dalyahu: greatness of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Yimla/Yimlah: full
Yimna/Yimnah: right hand, prosperity
Yimrah: exchanging
Yiphdeyah: redemption of Yah
YiphtaαΈ₯: opening
YiphthaαΈ₯ Δ”l: opened of Δ”l
Yiriyah: reverence of Yah
Yirmeyahu:(Jeremiah) exaltation of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Yiron: fearfulness
Yirpe’ĕl: healing of Δ”l
Yishai: gift, oblation, one who is
YishbaαΈ₯: he praises
Yishbaq: he releases
Yishbo BenoαΈ‡: he dwells in NoαΈ‡
Yishi: he saves me
Yishma: desolation
Yishma’ĕl: (Ishmael) Δ”l that hears
Yishmayahu: heard by 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Yishmerai: guarded
Yishpan: he hides
Yishshiyahu: borrowed 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Yishwah: he will level
Yishwi: my equal
Yiskah: observant
YismaαΈ΅yahu: sustained by 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Yispah: he is bare
Yisra’ĕl: (Israel) overcoming with Δ”l
YissasαΈ΅ar: (Issachar) brought reward
Yithlah: hanging
Yithmah: orphan
Yithnan: extensive
Yithra / Yithrah: excellence
Yithran: excellent
Yithre’am: excellence of the people
Yithrite: of Yether
Yithro: his abundance
YitsαΈ₯aq: (Issac) laughter
Yitshar: oil
Yitsri: my fashioner
Yizli’ah: drawn up
YizraαΈ₯ite: of ZeraαΈ₯
YizraαΈ₯yah: rising of Yah
Yizre’ĕl: sown of Δ”l
Yizziyah: sprinkling of Yah
Yo’aαΈ‡: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is father
Yo’aαΈ₯: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is a brother
Yo’aαΈ₯az: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has seized
Yo’ash: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s fire
YoαΈ‡: howl
YoαΈ‡aαΈ‡: cry out
YobΔ•l: Jubilee
Yo’ĕl: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is Δ”I
Yo’ĕlah: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is Δ”lah
YoαΈ‘behah: exalted
YoαΈ‘li: he is exalted
YoαΈ₯a: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 gives life
YoαΈ₯anah: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has favoured
YoαΈ₯anan: (John) 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has favoured
YoαΈ₯aneE: troubled
YoαΈ΅eαΈ‡eḏ: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is esteemed
Yom: Day
Yom ha’Kippurim: Day of Atonement
Yom Teruah: Day of Trumpets
YonaḏaαΈ‡: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is willing
Yonah: (Yonah) a dove
Yonam: multiplying of the people
Yonathan: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has given
Yoqḏe’am: burning of the people
Yoqim: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 raises
Yoqme’am: raising of the people
Yoqne’am: lament of the people
Yoqshan: snare
Yoqtan: diminish
Yoqthe’ĕl: obedience of Δ”l
Yorah: teach, throw
Yorai: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has taught me
Yoram: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is exalted
Yorim: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has exalted
Yorqe’am: emptied people
YosΔ•ph: (Joseph) 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has added
Yoshah: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 makes equal
Yoshaphat: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is judge
Yoshawyah: equaled of Yah
Yoshbeqashah: dwelling in harshness
YoshΔ•αΈ‡ BashsheαΈ‡eth: sitting in ambush
YoshiαΈ‡yah: dwelling of Yah
Yoshiyahu: founded of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
Yosiphyah: increase of Yah
YotαΈ‡athah: pleasantness
YoteαΈ‡ah: pleasing
Yotham: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is perfect
Yotsaḏaq: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is righteous
Yow’ĕḏ: assemble
Yow’ezer: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is help
Yoyaḏa: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 knows
Yoyaqim: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is rising
YoyariαΈ‡: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 contends
YozaαΈ‡aḏ: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has endowed
YozaαΈ΅ar: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 remembered
YuαΈ‡al: flowing, stream
YuαΈ΅al: 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 is able
YuliaL: of Jupiter*
YuliosL: of Jupiter*
YuniasL: of Juno*
YushaαΈ‡-αΈ€eseḏ: return of favour
YustosL: just or upright
Yuttah: stretched out
Za’awan: troubled
ZaαΈ‡aḏ: presented
Zabbai: pure
Zabbuḏ / ZaαΈ‡uḏ: given
ZaαΈ‡dai: giving
ZaαΈ‡di: my endowment
ZaαΈ‡di’ĕl: my gift of Δ”l
Zaham: loathing
Zakkai: pure
Zakkur: mindful
Zamzummim: (planners) of Zamam
ZanowaαΈ₯: cast off
Zattu†: olive tree
Zaza: prominent
ZeαΈ‡aḏyahu: endowment of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
ZeαΈ‡aαΈ₯: slaughtering
ZeαΈ‡iḏah: endowed
ZeαΈ‡ina: bought
ZeαΈ‡ul: dwelling
ZeαΈ‡ulun: habitation, dwelling
Ze’ĕḇ: wolf
ZeαΈ΅aryahu: remembered of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄
ZeαΈ΅er: remembrance
Zemirah: song
ZΔ•nasG: Zeus* has given
ZeraαΈ₯: shining, rising
ZeraαΈ₯yah: shining of Yah
Zereḏ: exuberant growth
ZereshP: gold
ZerubbaαΈ‡el: descended of BaαΈ‡el
ZΔ•tham / ZΔ•than: olive
ZΔ•tharP: star
ZeusG*: bright, heaven, living
Zikri: my remembrance
Zilpah: trickling
Zimmah: schemer
Zimran: musician
Zimri: my music
Zina: well fed
Ziph / Ziphah: flowing
Ziphron: fragrance
Ziw: brightness
Ziya: sweat, swelling
Ziza: prominent
Zizah: prominence
ZoαΈ₯eleth: crawling, serpent
ZoαΈ₯Δ•th†: releasing
Zuzim: roaming ones