Bible Quizzes 323 Created on March 03, 2023 By Nicole Bible Basics Test your bible skill basics 1 / 20 James sold Yahushua for 30 pieces of silver True False 2 / 20 Joshua walked around Jericho 10 times True False 3 / 20 Jonah was swallowed by a big fish True False 4 / 20 Aaron wrote the Ten Commandments True False 5 / 20 Which character in the Bible was blinded on the road to Damascus? Hezekiah Saul Ezra Jonah 6 / 20 What is the last book in the Bible? Jude Hebrews Jeremiah Revelation 7 / 20 Which OF Yahushua's Disciples was a tax collector? Peter Matthew John Thomas 8 / 20 Which of Jacobs son got thrown down the well? Simon Naphtali Joseph Zebulun 9 / 20 What Tribe of Israel was Moses From? Benjamin Joseph Levi Judah Gad 10 / 20 How many years were the Israelites in slavery 45 500 400 350 11 / 20 How many books are in the English King James Version Bible? 27 44 90 66 39 12 / 20 Yahushua turned Water into juice? True False 13 / 20 Noah had how many Sons? 1 3 5 7 14 / 20 Who built the ark? Noah Adam Paul Methuselah 15 / 20 Who Slew Abel Noah Seth Cain Ham 16 / 20 Abraham was the first person Created? True False 17 / 20 Moses Brought 2 of every animal on the ark True False 18 / 20 David Slew The giant Og king of Bashan True False 19 / 20 Which Disciple wrote of Acts Luke Paul John Esau 20 / 20 How many times did Moses strike the rock? 10 2 1 4 5 Your score isThe average score is 84% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 120 Created on March 03, 2023 By Nicole Moses Questions 1 / 9 How many times did Moses strike the rock? 10 2 1 4 5 2 / 9 Moses Brought 2 of every animal on the ark True False 3 / 9 Aaron wrote the Ten Commandments True False 4 / 9 What Tribe of Israel was Moses From? Benjamin Joseph Levi Judah Gad 5 / 9 Moses had Adam's staff. True False 6 / 9 Pharaoh was taller than Moses. True False 7 / 9 Moses was once a king. True False 8 / 9 Moses' staff transformed into a lizard. True False 9 / 9 What did Moses have to do when he went to the burning bush? Take off his shoes Bow down Nothing Your score isThe average score is 74% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 157 Created on March 03, 2023 By Nicole Messiah Yahushua/Jesus Questions 1 / 3 How did Yahushua meet his first disciples? Walking in the city in Jail Fishing Preaching in the synagogue 2 / 3 What Did Yahushua say when "It has been written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 "It has been written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the Word of the Torah "It has been written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth Moshe "It has been written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of The kingdom 3 / 3 What tribe was Yahusha from Reuben Levi Yahudah Benjamin Your score isThe average score is 80% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 123 Created on March 25, 2023 By Nicole More Bible Basics 2 How well do you know the Scriptures? 1 / 24 Which giant king did Moses kill? Goliath Samson Michael Jordan Og Moliath 2 / 24 What was engraved in the headband of the high priests? The 12 tribes of Israel The name of YHWH (God) The Priests Name Holiness to YHWH (God) A fish 3 / 24 What did Zacchaeus promise to give to the poor in reparation of his sins? A rebate A coupon Everything he owns 1/3 of everything he owns 1/2 of everything he owns 4 / 24 How many words have been attributed to Moses writing in the Scriptures? Over100 words Over 1000 words Over 10000 words Over 100000 words Over 200000 words 5 / 24 Where did the contest between Elijah and the Prophets of baal take place? Mount Sugar Mount Carmel Mount Hermon Mount Sinai 6 / 24 Which island did Paul shipwreck on? Patmos Bermuda Triangle Hawaii Malta Segunda 7 / 24 How did Paul escape out of Damascus? In a car In a boat In the sewer In a basket He rappelled down the walls 8 / 24 Who climbed a tree to see Messiah Yahushua (Jesus)? Zaccheaus Timothy The woman with bleeding issues A leper Pauls mother 9 / 24 Who slapped Yahushua (Jesus) in the face? Caiaphas Dentony Shauline Pilot Judas 10 / 24 How many people did Noahs ark have onboard? 3 5 8 10 The entire city 11 / 24 How many children did Jacob have that was mentioned in the Bible? 5 10 27 13 12 12 / 24 How many times did YHWH (God) write the 10 commandments? 1 2 3 4 13 / 24 Who did the children of Israel promise safety in Jerico? Phil the Janitor Samuel the Prophet Rahab Delila Billam 14 / 24 Why did YHWH (God) overthrow King Saul? He ate pork He disobeyed Gods commands He wrote his own Torah He beat up Samuel 15 / 24 What was the prophet Samuels mothers name? Ruth Mary Deborah Hannah Lois 16 / 24 What was the secret to Samson's strength? His armpit hair wasn't cut His leg hair wasn't cut His arm hair wasn't cut His head hair wasn't cut Samson Who? 17 / 24 How many years does it take to make a Jubilee? 1 5 7 10 50 18 / 24 Which nation sent back the "Ark of the Covenant" to Israel? The Jebusites The Egyptians The Romans The Phillistines The Janitorialium 19 / 24 Who was the youngest son of Jacob? Reuban Levi Issacar Zebulun Benjamin 20 / 24 Which one of King Davids sons got his hair stuck in a tree? Solomon Jonathan Absalom Ammon Frank 21 / 24 What was Moses wifes name? Zilphah Ruby Zipporah Billah Sara 22 / 24 What was Samson's weapon against the Philistines? Axe Shotgun Backbone of an oxen Rib bone of an elephant A jawbone of a donkey 23 / 24 Why did Rueben lose his birthright? He married a Cannanite He ate pork He defiled his fathers bed He slew a village of cannibals He became a gentile 24 / 24 What people did Goliath come from? The Amorites The Gibusites The Jebusites The Phillistines The Waltons Your score isThe average score is 68% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 147 Created on March 18, 2023 By Nicole Old Testament Lets test your old testament knowledge 1 / 13 What did Moses receive on Mount Sinai? New shoes Blisters on his feet The 10 Commandments A stomachache Instructions for chocolate creation 2 / 13 We came across the valley of "Dry Bones" by which prophet? Isaiah Jeremiah Eziekiel Daniel Amos 3 / 13 Who did Samuel anoint as the first king of Israel? Asa Solomon David Saul Arcamedes 4 / 13 What did David bring to Jerusalem to bless the city? Holy terebinth trees The ark of the covenat Joshuas battle helmet Moses backpack An ice cream vendor 5 / 13 What is the shortest book in the Old Testament? Jonah Micah Naham Obadiah Ezekiel 6 / 13 When Rachel left her fathers home with Jacob, what did she steal from her father Laban? Labans personal camel saddle Labans mothers silverware Labans priceless sheep sheers Labans idols Labans mothers recipe book 7 / 13 What was the first bird Noah let out of the ark? Crow Raven Dove Magpie Eagle 8 / 13 To defeat the Midianites, Gideon opted for which weopons? Trumpets, pitchers, and lamps Rocks, paper, and scissors Spears, shields, and slingshots He wanted no weopons Rocket launcher. grenades, and c4 9 / 13 What was the secret to Samsons strength? Steroids Working out His long beard He never drank lemons His long hair 10 / 13 What does El Shaddai mean? My king Reigning master Almighty God The strong one The hand that provides 11 / 13 What was the last word in the old testament? Fruitful Blessed Cursed End Delighted 12 / 13 What is the longest book of the entire Bible? Isaiah Jeremiah Proverbs Psalms Deuteronomy 13 / 13 What did YHWH (God) ask Abraham to sacrifice on Mount Moriah? A female goat A large sheep 2 turtle doves His son His wifes cooking Your score isThe average score is 73% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 77 Created on March 18, 2023 By Nicole Quizzes for Teens Here is a quiz just for teens! 1 / 8 During the last supper what are the two things that represented Yahushua's (Jesus) flesh and blood? A plate and a bowl Milk and honey Milk and cheese Bread and wine Lamb and salad 2 / 8 What did Yahushua (Jesus) walk on that absolutely shocked His disciples? Fire coals A tightrope On water In the air Up a mountain 3 / 8 What is the name of the King that tried to kill Yahushua (Jesus) as a baby? King Nebuchadnezzar II King Iddo King Saul King Og King Herod 4 / 8 What was the title that Pilot gave to Yahushua (Jesus) King of cage King of kings King of Yisraelites King of the Jews King of the Ibri 5 / 8 What day did YHWH (God) create man, beasts of the land, air, and sea? Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 6 / 8 When YHWH (God) saw Adam needed a help mate, what did He use to make her? Adams hair Adams eyeball Adams Lung Adams Heart Adams Rib 7 / 8 YHWH (God) commanded who to build an ark to save him and his family? Moses Noah Abraham Issac Peter 8 / 8 What happened first, the appointment of Matthew as an apostle or the appearance of the Holy Spirit? Matthew was appointed first The Holy Spirit was appointed first Your score isThe average score is 89% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz