Bible Quizzes

Created on By Nicole

Bible Basics

Test your bible skill basics

1 / 20

James sold Yahushua for 30 pieces of silver

2 / 20

Joshua walked around Jericho 10 times

3 / 20

Jonah was swallowed by a big fish

4 / 20

Aaron wrote the Ten Commandments

5 / 20

Which character in the Bible was blinded on the road to Damascus?

6 / 20

What is the last book in the Bible?

7 / 20

Which OF Yahushua's Disciples was a tax collector?

8 / 20

Which of Jacobs son got thrown down the well?

9 / 20

What Tribe of Israel was Moses From?

10 / 20

How many years were the Israelites in slavery

11 / 20

How many books are in the English King James Version Bible?

12 / 20

Yahushua turned Water into juice?

13 / 20

Noah had how many Sons?

14 / 20

Who built the ark?

15 / 20

Who Slew Abel

16 / 20

Abraham was the first person Created?

17 / 20

Moses Brought 2 of every animal on the ark

18 / 20

David Slew The giant Og king of Bashan

19 / 20

Which Disciple wrote of Acts

20 / 20

How many times did Moses strike the rock?

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The average score is 84%


Created on By Nicole

Moses Questions

1 / 9

How many times did Moses strike the rock?

2 / 9

Moses Brought 2 of every animal on the ark

3 / 9

Aaron wrote the Ten Commandments

4 / 9

What Tribe of Israel was Moses From?

5 / 9

Moses had Adam's staff.

6 / 9

Pharaoh was taller than Moses.

7 / 9

Moses was once a king.

8 / 9

Moses' staff transformed into a lizard.

9 / 9

What did Moses have to do when he went to the burning bush?

Your score is

The average score is 74%


Created on By Nicole

Messiah Yahushua/Jesus Questions

1 / 3

How did Yahushua meet his first disciples?

2 / 3

What Did Yahushua say when

3 / 3

What tribe was Yahusha from

Your score is

The average score is 80%


Created on By Nicole

More Bible Basics 2

How well do you know the Scriptures?

1 / 24

Which giant king did Moses kill?

2 / 24

What was engraved in the headband of the high priests?

3 / 24

What did Zacchaeus promise to give to the poor in reparation of his sins?

4 / 24

How many words have been attributed to Moses writing in the Scriptures?

5 / 24

Where did the contest between Elijah and the Prophets of baal take place?

6 / 24

Which island did Paul shipwreck on?

7 / 24

How did Paul escape out of Damascus?

8 / 24

Who climbed a tree to see Messiah Yahushua (Jesus)?

9 / 24

Who slapped Yahushua (Jesus) in the face?

10 / 24

How many people did Noahs ark have onboard?

11 / 24

How many children did Jacob have that was mentioned in the Bible?

12 / 24

How many times did YHWH (God) write the 10 commandments?

13 / 24

Who did the children of Israel promise safety in Jerico?

14 / 24

Why did YHWH (God) overthrow King Saul?

15 / 24

What was the prophet Samuels mothers name?

16 / 24

What was the secret to Samson's strength?

17 / 24

How many years does it take to make a Jubilee?

18 / 24

Which nation sent back the "Ark of the Covenant" to Israel?

19 / 24

Who was the youngest son of Jacob?

20 / 24

Which one of King Davids sons got his hair stuck in a tree?

21 / 24

What was Moses wifes name?

22 / 24

What was Samson's weapon against the Philistines?

23 / 24

Why did Rueben lose his birthright?

24 / 24

What people did Goliath come from?

Your score is

The average score is 68%


Created on By Nicole

Old Testament

Lets test your old testament knowledge

1 / 13

What did Moses receive on Mount Sinai?

2 / 13

We came across the valley of "Dry Bones" by which prophet?

3 / 13

Who did Samuel anoint as the first king of Israel?

4 / 13

What did David bring to Jerusalem to bless the city?

5 / 13

What is the shortest book in the Old Testament?

6 / 13

When Rachel left her fathers home with Jacob, what did she steal from her father Laban?

7 / 13

What was the first bird Noah let out of the ark?

8 / 13

To defeat the Midianites, Gideon opted for which weopons?

9 / 13

What was the secret to Samsons strength?

10 / 13

What does El Shaddai mean?

11 / 13

What was the last word in the old testament?

12 / 13

What is the longest book of the entire Bible?

13 / 13

What did YHWH (God) ask Abraham to sacrifice on Mount Moriah?

Your score is

The average score is 73%


Created on By Nicole

Quizzes for Teens

Here is a quiz just for teens!

1 / 8

During the last supper what are the two things that represented Yahushua's (Jesus) flesh and blood?

2 / 8

What did Yahushua (Jesus) walk on that absolutely shocked His disciples?

3 / 8

What is the name of the King that tried to kill Yahushua (Jesus) as a baby?

4 / 8

What was the title that Pilot gave to Yahushua (Jesus)

5 / 8

What day did YHWH (God) create man, beasts of the land, air, and sea?

6 / 8

When YHWH (God) saw Adam needed a help mate, what did He use to make her?

7 / 8

YHWH (God) commanded who to build an ark to save him and  his family?

8 / 8

What happened first, the appointment of Matthew as an apostle or the appearance of the Holy Spirit?

Your score is

The average score is 89%
