1 And when I had done this, Malkitseḏeq again lifted up his voice and baraḵ me saying, Baruḵ art thou, Aḇraham, for the Most High Elohim shall visit thee and shall bestow upon thee riches and honor and lands for an everlasting possession because thou hast been true and faithful to the covenants which thou hast entered before Him.
2 Wherefore, thou shalt continue to increase, worlds without end, and the glory of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 shall never depart from thee. The bireḵoth of thy Fathers shall rest upon thee and thou shalt stand at the head and in thee and in thy seed after thee, those who shall bear thy kehunnah, shall all the nations of the earth be baruḵ.