1 Then Toḇi called Repha’ĕl, and said to him,
2 “Azaryah my brother, take a servant and two camels with you, and go to Rhaḡes of Maḏai to Gaḇa’ĕl and bring me the silver, and bring him to the wedding,
3 for Raḡu’ĕl has sworn that I shall not depart.
4 “But my father counts the days, and if I stay long, he shall be very grieved.”
5 So Repha’ĕl departed and stayed with Gaḇa’ĕl, and gave him the handwriting; who brought out bags which were sealed, and gave them to him.
6 And early in the morning they both went out together, and came to the wedding, and baraḵ his wife.