1 In the fourth year of the reign of Ptolemaeus and Cleopatra, Dositheos, who said he was a kohĕn and Lĕwite, and Ptolemaeus his son, brought this letter of Purim, which they said was the same, and that Lusimaḵos the son of Ptolemaeus, that was in Yerushalayim, had interpreted it.
2 In the second year of the reign of Artaḥshashta the great, on the first day of the month Nisan, Mordeḵai the son of Ya’ir, the son of Shim’i, the son of Qish, of the tribe of Binyamin, had a dream –
3 who was a Yahuḏi, and dwelt in the city of Shushan, a great man, being an attendant in the sovereign’s court.
4 He was also one of the captives, which Neḇuḵaḏnetstsar the sovereign of Baḇel carried from Yerushalayim with Yeḵonyah sovereign of Yahuḏah, and this was his dream:
5 See, a noise of uproar, with thunder, and earthquakes, and disruption in the land!
6 And, see, two great dragons came forth ready to fight, and their cry was great.
7 And at their cry all nations were prepared for battle, that they might fight against the righteous people.
8 And see, a day of darkness and gloom, distress and anguish, affliction and great uproar upon the earth.
9 And the whole righteous nation was troubled, fearing their own evils, and were prepared to perish.
10 Then they cried to Elohim, and upon their cry, as it were from a little fountain, a great flood was made, even much water.
11 The light and the sun rose up, and the lowly were exalted, and devoured the great.
12 Now when Mordeḵai, who had seen this dream, and what Elohim had determined to do, awoke, he regarded this dream in mind until night, and desired to know it by all means.