1 And again I saw with my eyes as I slept, and I saw the shamayim above, and see, a star fell from the shamayim, and it arose and ate and pastured amongst those oxen.

2 And after that I saw the large and the black oxen, and see, they all changed their stalls and pastures and their cattle, and began to live with each other.

3 And again I saw in the vision, and looked towards the shamayim, and see, I saw many stars descend and cast themselves down from the shamayim to the first star, and they became bulls amongst those cattle and pastured with them amongst them.

4 And I looked at them and saw, and see, they all let out their members like horses, and began to cover the cows of the oxen, and they all became pregnant and brought forth elephants, camels, and donkeys.

5 And all the oxen feared them and were frightened at them, and began to bite with their teeth and to devour, and to gore with their horns.

6 And they began also, to devour those oxen; and see, all the children of the earth began to tremble and quake before them, and to flee from them.