1 He who loves his son causes him to often feel the rod,
That he may have joy from him in the end.
2 He who punishes his son shall have joy in him,
And shall rejoice in him among his acquaintances.
3 He who teaches his son grieves the enemy;
And before his friends he shall rejoice in him.
4 Though his father dies, it is as though he were not dead;
For he has left one behind who is like himself.
5 While he lived, he saw and rejoiced in him:
And when he died, he was not grieved.
6 He left behind an avenger against his enemies,
And one that shall repay kindness to his friends.
7 He who makes too much of his son binds up his wounds;
And his body shall be troubled at every cry.
8 A horse unbroken becomes headstrong:
And a child left to himself shall be unruly.
9 Spoil your child, and he shall cause you dread;
Play with him, and he shall bring you to grief.
10 Do not laugh with him, lest you have sorrow from him,
And lest you gnash your teeth in the end.
11 Give him no freedom in his youth,
And do not wink at his foolishness.
12 Bow down his neck while he is young,
And beat his side while he is a child,
Lest he become stubborn, and be disobedient to you,
And so bring sorrow to your heart.
13 Discipline your son, and put him to work,
Lest his wicked behaviour be a stumbling to you.
14 Better is the poor, being healthy and strong in body,
Than a wealthy man who is afflicted in his body.
15 Health and good state of body are better than any gold,
And a strong body above infinite wealth.
16 There is no wealth above a healthy body,
And no joy above the joy of the heart.
17 Death is better than a bitter life or continual sickness.
18 Delicacies poured upon a closed mouth,
Are as servings of meat placed upon a grave.
19 What good is the offering to an idol?
For it neither eats nor smells;
So is he who is persecuted by 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄.
20 He sees with his eyes and groans,
As a eunuch that embraces a maiden and sighs.
21 Do not give your mind over to sorrow,
And do not afflict yourself on purpose.
22 The gladness of the heart is the life of man,
And the joy of a man prolongs his days.
23 Love your own being, and comfort your heart.
Remove sorrow far from you;
For sorrow has killed many, and there is no profit in it.
24 Envy and wrath shorten the life,
And worry brings age before time.
25 A cheerful and good heart pays attention to his meat and diet.