1 A copy of the testament of Gaḏ, concerning what he said to his sons in the one hundred twenty-seventh year of his life, saying,
2 I was Ya’aqoḇ’s ninth son; among the shepherds, valiant in keeping the flocks.
3 I guarded the flock at night, and when the lion came, the wolf, the leopard, the bear or any other wild animal attacked the flock, I pursued it, and overtaking it I seized its foot with my hand and hurled it about a stone’s throw, and so killed it.
4 Now Yosĕph was tending the flocks with me for about thirty days, and since he was delicate, he became faint from the heat, and went back to Ḥeḇron to his father.
5 He made Yosĕph lie down close to him because he loved him.
6 And Yosĕph said to his father, the sons of Zilpah and Bilhah are killing the best animals and eating them against the advice of Yahuḏah and Re’uḇĕn.
7 For he saw that I had delivered a lamb out of the mouth of a bear, and put the bear to death; but had slain the lamb, being grieved concerning it that it could not live, and that we had eaten it.
8 This he told our father. On this matter I was enraged against Yosĕph until the day he was sold into Mitsrayim;
9 And the spirit of hatred was in me, and I wished not either to hear of Yosĕph with the ears, or see him with the eyes, because he rebuked us to our faces saying that we were eating of the flock without Yahuḏah.