1 And when they had come to Aḥmetha, they came to the house of Raḡu’ĕl, and Sarah met them. And after they had greeted one another, she brought them into the house.
2 Then Raḡu’ĕl said to Eḏna his wife, “How similar this young man is to Toḇiyah my cousin!”
3 And Raḡu’ĕl asked them, “Where are you from brothers?” To whom they replied, “We are of the sons of Naphtali, who are captives in Ninewĕh.”
4 Then he said to them, “Do you know Toḇiyah our relative?” And they said, “We know him.” Then he said, “Is he in good health?”
5 And they replied, “He is both alive, and in good health.” and Toḇi said, “He is my father.”
6 Then Raḡu’ĕl leaped up, and kissed him, and wept,
7 and baraḵ him, and said to him, “You are the son of an honest and good man.” But when he had heard that Toḇiyah was blind, he was sorrowful, and wept.
8 And likewise Eḏna his wife and Sarah his daughter wept, and they welcomed them gladly. And after they had slaughtered a ram from the flock, they lay some of the meat on the table. Then Tobi said to Repha’ĕl, “Brother Azaryah, speak of that of which you spoke on the way, and let this matter be addressed.”
9 So he spoke of the matter with Raḡu’ĕl, and Raḡu’ĕl said to Toḇi, “Eat, drink and rejoice,
10 for it is right that you should marry my daughter; however I shall tell you the truth.
11 “I have given my daughter in marriage to seven men who died the night they came to her; nevertheless, for the present rejoice!” But Toḇi said, “I shall not eat here till we agree and swear to one another.”
12 Raḡu’ĕl said, “Then take her from here according to the custom, for you are her relative, and she is yours; and Elohim who is kind give you good success in all.”
13 Then he called his daughter Sarah and she came to her father. And he took her by the hand, and gave her to be wife to Toḇi saying, “See, take her according to the Law of Mosheh, and take her to your father.” And he baraḵ them;
14 and called Eḏna his wife, and took paper, and wrote a deed of covenant, and sealed it.
15 Then they began to eat.
16 Afterwards Raḡu’ĕl called his wife Eḏna, and said to her, “Sister, prepare another room, and take her in there.”
17 When she had done as he had asked her, she brought her there, and she wept, and she received the tears of her daughter, and said to her,
18 “Take courage my daughter; 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 of the shamayim and earth give you joy in place of your sorrow. Take courage my daughter.”