1 And He went away from there and came to His own country, and His talmidim followed Him.

2 And Shabbath having come, He began to teach in the congregation. And many who heard were astonished, saying, “Where did He get all this? And what wisdom is this which is given to Him, that such miracles are done through His hands?

3 “Is this not the carpenter, the Bĕn of Miryam, and brother of Ya’aqoḇ, and Yosĕph, and Yahuḏah, and Shim’on? And are not His sisters here with us?” And they stumbled in Him.

4 And 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 said to them, “A naḇi is not unappreciated except in his own country, and among his own relatives, and in his own house.”

5 And He was unable to do any miracle there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick ones and healed them.

6 And He marvelled because of their unbelief. And He was going around among the villages, teaching.

7 And He called the twelve near, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over unclean spirits.

8 And He instructed them to take naught for the journey except a staff – no bag, no bread, no copper in their money belts,

9 but to wear sandals, and not to wear two undergarments.

10 And He said to them, “Wherever you enter into a house, stay there until you leave that place.

11 “And any place that does not receive you or listen to you, when you leave there, shake off the dust under your feet as a witness against them. Truly, I say to you, it shall be more bearable for Seḏom and Amorah in the day of judgment than for that city!”

12 And they went out and proclaimed the purpose to repent.

13 And they were casting out many demons, and they were anointing with oil many who were sick, and they were healing them.

14 And Sovereign Hĕrodĕs heard, for His Name had become well known. And he said, “Yoḥanan the Immerser has been raised from the dead, and because of this these powers are at work in him.”

15 Others said, “He is Ĕliyahu.” And others said, “He is a naḇi – like one of the neḇi’im.”

16 But when Hĕrodĕs heard, he said, “This one is Yoḥanan whom I beheaded, he has been raised from the dead!”

17 For Hĕrodĕs himself had sent and seized Yoḥanan, and bound him in prison because of Hĕrodias, his brother Philippos’ wife, because he had married her,

18 for Yoḥanan had said to Hĕrodĕs, “It is not right for you to have your brother’s wife.”

19 So Hĕrodias held a grudge against him and wanted to kill him, but was unable,

20 for Hĕrodĕs feared Yoḥanan, knowing that he was a righteous and qodesh man, and he protected him. And when he heard him, he was much perplexed, yet heard him gladly.

21 And a suitable day came when Hĕrodĕs on his birthday gave a feast for his great men, and the high officers, and the chief men of Galil.

22 And when the daughter of Hĕrodias herself came in and danced, and pleased Hĕrodĕs and those who sat with him, the sovereign said to the girl, “Ask me whatever you want, and I shall give it to you.”

23 And he swore to her, “Whatever you ask me, I shall give you, up to half of my reign.”

24 And she went out and said to her mother, “What shall I ask?” And she said, “The head of Yoḥanan the Immerser!”

25 And coming in immediately with haste to the sovereign she asked, saying, “I want you to give me at once the head of Yoḥanan the Immerser on a dish.”

26 And the sovereign, becoming deeply grieved, because of the oaths, and because of those who sat with him, did not want to refuse her.

27 And the sovereign straightaway sent an executioner and commanded his head to be brought. And he went and beheaded him in prison,

28 and brought his head on a dish, and gave it to the girl. And the girl gave it to her mother.

29 And when his talmidim heard of it, they came and took away his dead body and laid it in a tomb.

30 And the emissaries gathered to 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 and reported to Him all, both what they had done and what they had taught.

31 And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a little” – for there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.

32 And they went away to a lonely place in the boat by themselves.

33 But they saw them going, and many recognised Him and ran there on foot from all the cities, and came before them and came together to Him.

34 And having gone out, 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 saw a large crowd and was moved with compassion for them because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. And He began to teach them much.

35 And as the hour grew late, His talmidim came to Him and said, “This is a lonely place, and now the hour is late.

36 “Send them away, so that they go into the surrounding country and villages and buy themselves bread, since they have naught to eat.”

37 But He answering, said to them, “You give them to eat.” And they said to Him, “Should we go and buy two hundred silver pieces worth of bread and give them to eat?”

38 Then He said to them, “How many loaves do you have? Go and see.” And when they found out they said, “Five, and two fish.”

39 And He ordered them to make them all sit down in groups on the green grass.

40 And they sat down in groups, in hundreds and in fifties.

41 And taking the five loaves and the two fish, looking up to the shamayim, He baraḵ and broke the loaves, and gave them to His talmidim to put before them. And the two fish He divided among them all.

42 And all ate and were satisfied.

43 And they picked up twelve baskets, filled with pieces, also from the fish.

44 Now those who ate the loaves were about five thousand men.

45 And immediately He made His talmidim enter into the boat, and to go before Him to the other side, to Bĕyth Tsaiḏa, while He was dismissing the crowd.

46 And having sent them away, He went away to the mountain to pray.

47 And when evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea. And He was alone on the land.

48 And seeing them straining at rowing – for the wind was against them – at about the fourth watch of the night, He came to them walking on the sea, and intended to pass them by.

49 And when they saw Him walking on the sea, they thought it was a phantom, and cried out,

50 for they all saw Him and were troubled. And immediately He spoke to them and said to them, “Take courage, it is I. Do not be afraid.”

51 And He went up to them, into the boat, and the wind ceased. And they were exceedingly amazed in themselves, and marvelled.

52 For they did not understand about the loaves, because their heart was hardened.

53 And having passed over, they came to the land of Gennĕsar and drew to shore.

54 And when they came out of the boat, He was immediately recognised,

55 and all that neighbourhood ran about, and began to carry about on beds those who were sick to wherever they heard He was.

56 And wherever He went, into villages, or cities, or the country, they were laying the sick in the market-places, and begged Him to let them touch if only the tsitsit of His garment. And as many as touched Him were healed.