1 But Nikanor, hearing that Yahuḏah and his army were in the strongholds around Shomeron, resolved to attack them without any defence on the Shabbath day.
2 Nevertheless the Yahuḏim that were compelled to go with him said, “Do not destroy so cruelly and ruthlessly, but give honour to that day, which He who sees all things has honoured with qodeshah above all other days.”
3 Then that most shameful wretch demanded, if there were a Mighty One in the shamayim, that had commanded the Shabbath day to be guarded!
4 And when they said, “There is in the shamayim a living Aḏon, and Ĕl, who commanded the seventh day to be guarded.”
5 Then the other said, “And I also am mighty upon the earth, and I command to take arms, and to do the sovereign’s work!” But he did not succeed in having his wicked plan done.
6 So with great pride and haughtiness Nikanor determined to put up a public monument of his victory over Yahuḏah and those that were with him.
7 But Maqqaḇah had assured confidence that 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 would help him,
8 therefore he encouraged his people not to fear the gentiles coming against them, but to remember the help which they had received from the shamayim in former times, and now to expect the deliverance and help, which would come to them from the Almighty.
9 And so encouraging them from the Law and the neḇi’im, and reminding them of the battles that they had won before, he encouraged them further.
10 And when he had stirred up their spirits, he gave them their orders, also showing them the falsehood of the gentiles, and the breach of oaths.
11 So he armed every one of them, not so much with defence of shields and spears, as with encouragement and good words; and besides that, he told them a dream worthy of belief, as if it had indeed been so, which encouraged them not a little.
12 And this was his vision: That Onyah – a virtuous and a good man who had been kohĕn ha’gadol, reverent in conversation, gentle in spirit, also well spoken and taught in all points of righteousness from a young age – holding up his hands, prayed for the whole body of the Yahuḏim.
13 Having done this, there also appeared a man with grey hair, and exceedingly splendid, who was a wonder of excellence and majesty.
14 Then Onyah answered, saying, “This is a lover of the brothers who prays much for the people and for the qodesh city, that is, Yirmeyahu the naḇi of Elohim.”
15 So Yirmeyahu holding out his right hand gave Yahuḏah a sword of gold, and in giving it said,
16 “Take this qodesh sword – a gift from Elohim – with which you shall smite the adversaries.”
17 Thus being well encouraged by the words of Yahuḏah which were very good, and able to stir them up with bravery and to encourage the hearts of the young men, they determined not to pitch camp, but to courageously attack them, and to bravely try the matter in battle, because the city and the Miqdash and the Hĕyḵal were in danger.
18 For the concern that they had for their wives and their children, their brothers and families, was less for them; but the greatest and main fear was for the qodesh Hĕyḵal.
19 Those that were in the city were also not the least concerned, being troubled for the struggle abroad.
20 And now, when all looked what was to be the trial, and the enemies had already come near and the army was in battle array and the beasts strategically positioned and the horsemen positioned on the flanks,
21 Maqqaḇah seeing the approach of the multitude and the various preparations of armour and the ferocity of the beasts, stretched out his hands toward the shamayim, and called upon 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 which who works wonders, knowing that deliverance does not come by weapons, but even as it seems good to Him, He gives to those who are worthy.
22 Therefore in his prayer he spoke in this way; “O 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, You sent Your messenger in the time of Yeḥizqiyahu sovereign of Yahuḏah and slew five thousand eight hundred in the army of Sanḥĕriḇ.
23 “Therefore now also, O Aḏon of the shamayim, send a good messenger before us for a fear and dread upon them.
24 “And through the might of Your arm let those who come against Your qodesh people to blaspheme be stricken with terror.” And so he ended.
25 Then Nikanor and those that were with him came forward with trumpets and songs,
26 but Yahuḏah and his army countered the enemies with supplication and prayer,
27 so fighting with their hands and praying to Elohim with their hearts, they slew no less than thirty-five thousand men; for they were greatly encouraged through the manifestation of Elohim.
28 Now when the battle was over, returning again with joy, they knew that Nikanor lay dead in his armour.
29 Then they made a great shout and a noise, praising the Almighty in their own language.
30 And Yahuḏah, who was ever the chief defender of the people both in body and mind, and who continued his love toward his countrymen all his life, commanded to strike off Nikanor’s head, and his arm at the shoulder, and bring them to Yerushalayim.
31 So when he was there and called those of his nation together and appointed the kohenim before the altar, he sent for those that were in the tower,
32 and showed them vile Nikanor’s head, and the arm of that blasphemer, which he had stretched out against the qodesh Hĕyḵal of the Almighty with proud boastings.
33 And when he had cut out the tongue of that wicked Nikanor, he commanded that they should give the pieces to the birds, and hang up the reward of his madness opposite the Hĕyḵal.
34 So every man praised the esteemed Aḏon on toward the shamayim saying, “Baruḵ be He that has kept His own Place undefiled!”
35 He also hung Nikanor’s head upon the tower, a clear and visible sign to all of the help of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄.
36 And they all appointed with a common decree to by no means let that day pass without honour, but to celebrate the thirtieth day of the twelfth month, which in the Surian tongue is called Aḏar, the day before Mordeḵai’s day.
37 So it came to be for Nikanor; and from that time on the Iḇrim had the city in their possession. And here I make an end.
38 And if I have done well, and as befits the story, it is that which I desired. But if scant and poorly, it is the best I could do.
39 For as it is harmful to drink wine or water alone, and as wine mingled with water is pleasant and delights the taste; even so, words finely formed delights the ears of those that read the story. And here shall be the end.