𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 -YHWH (God)
𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏- Yahushua (Jesus Christ)

Aḏon / Aḏonai – Master / my Master
ammah – cubit/s
Ba’al* – Lord*
Baḇel – Babylon*
baraḵ – bless*/blesses/blessed
baruḵ – blessed
beraḵah – blessing bireḵoth – blessings Bĕn – Son
Dammeseq / Darmeseq – Damascus
Ĕl/Eloah/Elohim – Almighty (God*)
Ĕl Shaddai – the Almighty
Gĕy-Hinnom – Hell*
Ḥai – Life*
Hallelu-Yah – you praise Yah
Halleli𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄- I praise 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄
Hallĕl Yah – Praise Yah
Hĕyḵal – Temple*
Iḇri / Iḇrim – Hebrew I Hebrews
Keruḇ / keruḇim – angelic being/s
kohĕn – priest*
kohenim – priests
kohĕn ha’gadol – high priest
kehunnah – priesthood
Maḏai – Media
Mashiaḥ – Messiah (Christ*)
ha’Mashiaḥ – the Messiah
Mashiaḥiyim – Messianic
Matstsoth – Unleavened Bread
messenger – angel*
Miqdash – Set-apart Place (Sanctuary)
miqdashim – set-apart places
Mishkan – Dwelling Place (Tabernacle)
Mishkanoth – Dwelling Places
Mitsrayim – Egypt
naḇi – prophet*
neḇi’im – prophets
neḇiyah – prophetess
naḇa – prophesy*/prophesying
naḇu – prophesied
neḇuah – prophecy
neḇuoth – prophecies
Paras – Persia
Pelesheth – Philistia
Pesaḥ – Passover
Perath – Euphrates
qodesh – set-apart (holy*)
qodeshah – set-apartness (holiness)
qodeshi – set-apart one (saint*)
qodeshim – set-apart ones (saints)
qadosh – set-apart (sanctify/sanctified)
Qadosh One – Set-apart One
Ruaḥ ha’Qodesh – Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit)
Ruaḥ – Spirit
Ruaḥoth – Spirits
Shabbath – Sabbath
Shabbathoth – Sabbaths
Shaḇuoth – Weeks
shamayim – heaven/s*
Sukkoth – Booths
talmid – taught one (disciple)
talmidim – taught ones (disciples)
tehillah – psalm
tehillim – psalms
t’fillen – phylacteries/frontlets
Torah – Teaching, Law
Torot – Teachings, Laws
tsitsit – tassels
Yahuḏah – Judah
Yahuḏi – Jew/Jewish
Yahuḏim – Jews
Yawan – Greece
Yawanite – Greek
Yoḇĕl – Jubilee
Yom ha’Kippurim – Day of Atonement
Yom Teruah – Day of Trumpets

* of pagan origin.

a – äh in ärm
ḇ – bh v as in vet
ḏ – dh th as in them
e – eh as in elm
ĕ- ey as in eight
ḡ – gh  The ‘ḡ’ is pronounced as    a soft aspirated g sound.
ḥ – (ch)       The ‘ḥ’ and ‘ḵ’ are pronounced as
i – ee as in ēel
ḵ – (kh)       the ‘ch’ in the German composer Bach, or the Scottish Loch, like a guttural, aspirated h sound.
o – oh as in on
u – oo as in üno