1 After nine years my son Yitsḥaq brought unto me his wife Riḇqah for she was yet barren.

2 And she said unto me, My father, surely I know that my mother Sarah was barren for many years before she bare Yitsḥaq unto thee.

3 Wherefore, pray for me, that I, like Sarah, may conceive.

4 Therefore, I prayed over my daughter Riḇqah, and I said unto Yitsḥaq, Thy mother Sarah bare thee after she received a beraḵah from my brother Aḇimeleḵ sovereign of Gerar.

5 Aḇimeleḵ, son of Aḇimeleḵ, reigneth now in the place of his father in Gerar, and he, too, is a mighty man of Elohim.

6 Go ye in unto him that he may baraḵ Riḇqah and she shall conceive and bear unto thee two sons and the younger shall rule over the elder, but in the elder shall the Word of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 also be fulfilled for through him shall I slay wicked Nimroḏ even as  𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 foretold at my birth.

7 So Yitsḥaq took Riḇqah and went unto Gerar, unto Aḇimeleḵ, son of Aḇimeleḵ, who baraḵ her after the Order of the Ancients, and she conceived and bare unto Yitsḥaq two sons, even as I had said.

8 And on the eighth day, Yitsḥaq brought the last unto me to be named and the elder I called Esau, for he was covered with hair and I said, Surely he shall be a mighty hunter before 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄.

9 But the second I called Ya’aqoḇ, for I said, Surely the elder shall serve the younger