1 One-night Elohim appeared to me in a vision and said, Go up to the top of Hazor and lift up thine eyes and gaze eastward and westward and southward and northward and behold all this land for, behold, unto thee and to thy seed after thee shall I give it for an everlasting inheritance.

2 The next day I ascended Ḥatsor as 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 had commanded me and I gazed upon all the land from the river of Mitsrayim unto Leḇanon and Shenir, from the Great Sea unto Ḥawran., the whole area of Sĕ’ir as far as Qaḏĕsh, the whole of the great wilderness which lieth east of the Ḥawran. ran and the region of Shenir as far as the Perath.

3 And as I beheld the land, 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 my Elohim spake in my heart, saying, Baruḵ Aḇraham, I have chosen thee to stand at the head of a multitude.

4 Wherefore, unto thee and to thy seed after thee I will give this land, even all that thine eye be holdeth, that ye may possess it forever.

5 And I shall multiply thy seed like the dust of the earth, for even as no man can count the dust of the earth, so shall thy seed be without number.

6 Rise up, now, and compass this land.

7 Behold the length of it and the breadth of it, for I will give it unto thee and to thy seed after thee forever.