HADASSAH 16 (Additions to Ester 16)

1 The great Sovereign Artaḥshashta, to the princes and governors of a hundred and twenty-seven provinces from Hodu to Kush, and to all our trustworthy subjects, greetings:

2 For many, the more often they are esteemed with the great bounty of their esteemed princes, the prouder they have grown;

3 and do their best not only to harm our subjects, but not being able to handle wealth, also undertake to do against those who do good to them!

4 And not only take respect away from among men, but also lifted up with the esteemed words of wicked men that were never good, they think to escape the judgment of Elohim, who sees all and hates evil.

5 Also often flattering speech of those who are put in trust to manage the affairs of their friends, has caused many that are in authority to be partakers of innocent blood, and has surrounded them in incurable evils,

6 deceiving with the falsehood and deceit of their evil disposition the innocence and goodness of princes.

7 Now you may see this, as we have declared, not so much by ancient histories, as you may, if you search what has been done evilly of late through the corrupt behaviour of those who are unworthily placed in authority.

8 And we must guard for the time to come, that our reign may be at rest and peaceable for all men,

9 both by changing our purposes, and always rightly ruling that which is evident with more equal proceeding.

10 For Haman, a Makedonian, the son of Hammeḏatha, being indeed a foreigner of Parasian blood, and far removed from our goodness, and as a foreigner received by us,

11 had obtained the favour that we show toward every nation so much, that he was called ‘our father,’ and was continually esteemed by all being the second to the sovereign.

12 But he, not upholding his greatness, went about to deprive us of our reign and life;

13 having by many crafty deceits also sought from us the destruction of Mordeḵai, who saved our life, and continually worked for our good, as well as blameless Estĕr, a member of our reign, with their whole nation.

14 For by these means he thought, finding us lacking friends, to have the reign of Paras transferred to the Makedonians.

15 But we find that the Yahuḏim, whom this wicked wretch has delivered to utter destruction, are not evildoers, but live by most righteous Laws,

16 and that they are children of the Most High and Almighty, living Elohim, who has appointed the reign both to us and to our forefathers in the most excellent manner.

17 Therefore you shall do well not to put into action the letters sent to you by Haman the son of Hammeḏatha,

18 for he who was the worker of these matters, has been hanged at the gates of Shushan with all his family – Elohim, who rules over all, speedily rendering vengeance to him according to his deeds.

19 Therefore you shall publish the copy of this letter in all places, that the Yahuḏim may freely live after their own Laws.

20 And you shall aid them, even the same day, being the thirteenth day of the twelfth month Aḏar, that they may be avenged on those, who in the time of their affliction shall assault them.

21 For Ĕl Shaddai has turned the day to joy for them, in which the chosen people should have perished.

22 You shall therefore guard it a high day among your solemn Feasts with all feasting,

23 that both now and hereafter there may be safety for us and the highly respected of Paras. But to those who conspire against us – a remembrance of destruction.

24 Therefore every city and land whatever, which shall not do according to these matters, shall be destroyed without kindness with fire and sword, and shall be made not only impassable for men, but also greatly loathed by wild beasts and birds forever.