1 And from there I went to the south to the ends of the earth, and saw there three open portals of the shamayim: and then there come dew, rain, and wind.

2 And from there I went to the east to the ends of the shamayim, and saw where the three eastern portals of the shamayim open and small portals above them.

3 Through each of these small portals pass the stars of the shamayim and run their course to the west on the path which is shown to them.

4 And as often as I saw I baraḵ always 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 of Esteem, and I continued to baraḵ 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 of Esteem who has wrought great and magnificent wonders, to show the greatness of His work to the messengers and to spirits and to men, that they might praise His work and all His creation: that they might see the work of His might and praise the great work of His hands and baraḵ Him forever.