SHIM’ON 3 (Simeon 3)

1 And now, my children, pay heed to me. Beware of the spirit of deceit and envy.

2 For envy dominates the whole of man’s mind and does not permit him to eat or drink or to do anything good.

3 Rather it keeps prodding him to destroy the one whom he envies. Whenever the one who is envied flourishes, the envious one fades away.

4 Out of the reverence of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, I chastened my soul by fasting for two years. And I came to know that liberation from envy occurs through reverence of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄.

5 If anyone flees to 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 for refuge, the evil spirit will quickly depart from him, and his mind will be eased.

6 From then on he has compassion on the one whom he envied and has sympathetic feelings with those who love him, thus his envy ceases – and forgives those who are hostile to him, and so ceases from his envy. –