1 Because nothing evil resided in Yosĕph, he was attractive in appearance and handsome to behold, for the face evidences any troubling of the ruaḥ.
2 And now my children, make your hearts virtuous in the sight of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, make your paths straight before men, and you shall continually find grace with 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 and with men.
3 Guard yourselves from sexual promiscuity because fornication is the mother of all wicked deeds; it separates from Elohim and leads men to Beliar.
4 For I have seen in a copy of the Book of Ḥanoḵ that your sons will be ruined by promiscuity, and they shall injure with a sword the sons of Lĕwi.
5 But they shall not be able to withstand Lĕwi, because he shall wage 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄’s war and will triumph over all your battalions.
6 These forces distributed among Lĕwi and Yahuḏah will be few in number, and from you there will be no one for leadership, just as our father predicted in his beraḵah.
In Hebrew the word for spirit is Ruach, not Ruah, to anyone who reads this and doesn’t know that.
The h with the dot under it is like this ḥ – (ch) The ‘ḥ’ and ‘ḵ’ are pronounced as kh the ch we have this listed in the glossary so people can see this.