1 He who lives forever has created all in its entirety.

2 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 alone is righteous,
And there is no other but He,

3 Who guides the world with the palm of His hand,
And all obey His desire;
For He is the Sovereign of all by His power,
Dividing the qodesh from among the profane.

4 To whom has He given power to declare His works?
And who shall find out His noble acts?

5 Who shall measure the strength of His excellence?
And who also shall tell of His kindnesses?

6 As for the wondrous works of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, there is naught taken from them,
Nor any that are compared to them,
Nor may the expanse of them be found out.

7 When a man is finished, then one begins;
And when he leaves, then he shall be uncertain.

8 What is man, and what use is he?
What is his good, and what is his evil?

9 The number of a man’s days at the greatest are a hundred years.

10 As a drop of water into the sea, and a grain compared to the sand;
So are a thousand years to everlasting days.

11 Therefore Elohim is patient with them,
And pours out His kindness upon them.

12 He looked and saw their end to be evil;
Therefore He multiplied His compassion.

13 The kindness of man is toward his neighbour;
But the kindness of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 is upon all flesh.
He reproves, and disciplines,
and teaches and turns them back again,
as a shepherd his flock.

14 He has kindness on those who receive discipline,
And who diligently seek after His Right-Rulings.

15 My son, do not blemish your good deeds,
Nor use harsh words when you give.

16 Does the dew not relieve the heat?
So a word is better than a gift.

17 Look, is a word not better than a gift?
But both are with one showing kindness.

18 A fool shall reproach harshly,
And a gift of the selfish consumes the eyes.

19 Learn before you speak,
And use healing if you are ever sick.

20 Before judgment examine yourself,
And in the day of visitation you shall find kindness.

21 Humble yourself before you become sick,
And in the time of sins show repentance.

22 Let naught hinder you to pay your vow in due time,
And do not delay till death to be declared right.

23 Before you pray, prepare yourself;
And do not be as one that tries 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄.

24 Think upon the wrath that shall be in the end,
And the time of vengeance, when He turns away His face.

25 When you have enough, remember the time of hunger:
And when you are wealthy, think upon poverty and need.

26 From the morning until the evening the times change,
And all are soon done before 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄.

27 A wise man shall revere in every matter,
And in the day of sinning he shall beware of trespass.
But a fool does not observe time.

28 Every man of understanding knows wisdom,
And shall baraḵ he who finds her.

29 Those who have understanding in words also become wise themselves,
And pour forth splendid parables.

30 Do not pursue your lusts,
But restrain yourself from your appetites.

31 If you give your being the desires that it pleases,
It shall make you a mockery to your enemies that slander you.

32 Do not revel in excessive pleasure,
Nor be bound by its expense.

33 Do not become a beggar by feasting through borrowing,
When you have naught in your purse;
For you shall be lying in wait for your own life, and be plotted upon.