LĔWI 12 (Levi 12)

1 And Gĕreshon took a wife who bore him Lomne and Semei.

2 The sons of Qehath were Amram, Yissasḵar, Ḥeḇron, and Uzzi’ĕl.

3 And the sons of Merari were Maḥli and Mushi.

4 And in the ninety-fourth year Amram took Yoḵeḇeḏ, my daughter, as his wife, because he and my daughter had been born on the same day.

5 I was eight years old when I entered the land of Kena’an, and eighteen years old when I killed Sheḵem. At nineteen years I served as a kohĕn; at twenty-eight years I took a wife; and at forty-eight I entered Mitsrayim. See, my children, you are a third generation. During my one hundred eighteenth year Yosĕph died.