1 When Shĕth was seven years old, he knew good and evil, and was consistent in fasting and praying, and spent all his nights in praying to Elohim for mercy and forgiveness.

2 He also fasted when bringing up his offering every day. He fasted more than his father did because his demeanor was beautiful, like that of a messenger of Elohim. He also had a good heart, and his soul was precious; and for this reason he brought up his offering every day.

3 And Elohim was pleased with his offering, but He was also pleased with his purity. And he continued doing the Will of Elohim, and of his father and mother until he was seven years old.

4 After that, as he was coming down from the altar after giving his offering, Satan appeared to him in the form of a beautiful messenger, brilliant with light, with a staff of light in his hand, and wrapped with a girdle of light.

5 He greeted Shĕth with a beautiful smile, and began to beguile him with beautiful words, saying to him, “Shĕth, why do you live in this mountain? It is rough, full of stones and sand, and trees with no good fruit on them. It is a wilderness without houses or towns, no good place to live in. But everywhere there is heat, weariness, and trouble.”

6 He said further, ‘But we live in beautiful places, in a world other than this earth. Our world is one of light and we live in the best conditions. Our women are more beautiful than any others. Shĕth, I wish you to marry one of them, because I see that you are handsome to look at. In this land there is not one woman good enough for you and there are only five souls in it.

7 “But in our world there are many men and many young, unmarried women, all more beautiful one than the other. So, I wish to remove you from here so that you may see my relations and be wedded to which ever you like.

8 “You shall live by me and be at peace. You shall be filled with glory and light, just as we are.

9 “You shall remain in our world and rest from this world and its misery. You shall never again feel weak and weary. You shall never bring up an offering or appeal for mercy. You shall commit no more sin nor be swayed by passions.

10 “And if you will listen to what I say, you shall wed one of my daughters because to us it is not a sin and it is not considered animal lust.

11 “For in our world we have no Elohim because we all are elohyim and we all are of the light and are of the shamayim, powerful, strong and glorious.”