1 Do no evil, so no harm shall come to you.
2 Depart from the unrighteous,
and evil shall turn away from you.
3 My son, do not sow upon the furrows of unrighteousness,
And you shall not reap them sevenfold.
4 Do not seek superiority from 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄,
Neither of the royal seat of esteem.
5 Do not declare yourself right before 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄;
And do not boast of your wisdom before the sovereign.
6 Do not seek to be judge, being unable to remove evil;
Lest at any time you be partial to the mighty,
A stumbling block in the way of your uprightness.
7 Do not cause the crowd of a city to stumble,
And then you shall not be brought low among the people.
8 Do not bind one sin upon another;
For not one shall go unpunished.
9 Do not say, “Elohim shall look upon the multitude of my offerings,
And when I offer to the Most High Elohim, He shall accept it.”
10 Do not be faint-hearted when you make your prayer,
And do not neglect to give in kindness.
11 Mock no man in the bitterness of his being;
For there is One who humbles and exalts.
12 Do not plan a lie against your brother;
Neither do likewise to your friend.
13 Refuse to make any manner of lie;
For the way of this is not good.
14 Do not use many words among a multitude of elders,
And do not make much babbling when you pray.
15 Do not hate laborious work, neither work of the land,
Which the Most High has ordained.
16 Do not number yourself among the crowd of sinners,
But remember that wrath shall not delay.
17 Humble yourself greatly;
For the punishment of the wicked is fire and worms.
18 Do not exchange a friend for goods by any means;
Neither a trustworthy brother for the gold of Ophir.
19 Do not forsake a wise and good woman;
For her favour is above gold.
20 When your servant works trustworthily, do not mistreat him.
Nor the hired man that gives himself completely for you.
21 Let your being love a good servant,
and do not withhold his freedom.
22 Do you have cattle? Keep an eye on them;
And if they are for your profit, keep them with you.
23 Do you have children? Instruct them,
And bow their neck from their youth.
24 Do you have daughters? Look after their body,
And do not be too generous toward them.
25 Give your daughter in marriage, and you shall have performed a weighty matter;
But give her to a man of understanding.
26 Do you have a wife in mind? Do not forsake her;
And do not give yourself over to an easy woman.
27 Esteem your father with your whole heart,
And do not forget the sorrows of your mother.
28 Remember that you were brought forth by them;
And how would you repay them what they have done for you?
29 Revere 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 with all your being, and revere His kohenim.
30 Love He who made you with all your strength,
And do not forsake his servants.
31 Revere 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, and honour the kohĕn;
And give him his portion, as it is Commanded you;
The first-fruits, and the guilt offering, and the wave offering,
And the qodesh offering, and the first-fruits of qodeshah.
32 And stretch out your hand to the poor,
That your beraḵah may be perfected.
33 A gift has favour in the sight of every living man;
And do not hold back for the dead.
34 Do not fail to accompany those who weep,
And mourn with those who mourn.
35 Do not be slow to visit the sick;
For that shall cause you to be loved.
36 Whatever you take in hand, remember the end,
And you shall never do wrong.