1 Do not strive with a mighty man lest you fall into his hands.

2 Do not quarrel with a wealthy man,
lest he outweigh you;
For gold has destroyed many,
and twisted the hearts of sovereigns.

3 Do not strive with a man that is a babbler,
And do not heap wood upon his fire.

4 Do not jest with a rude man,
Lest your ancestors be shamed.

5 Do not reproach a man that turns from sin,
But remember that we are all worthy of punishment.

6 Do not shame a man in his old age;
For even some of us grow old.

7 Do not rejoice over the death of your greatest enemy,
But remember that we all die.

8 Do not despise the discourse of the wise,
But acquaint yourself with their proverbs;
For from them you shall learn instruction,
And how to serve great men with ease.

9 Do not avoid the discourse of the elders;
For they also learned from their fathers,
And from them you shall learn understanding,
And to give answer as needed.

10 Do not kindle the coals of a sinner,
Lest you be burned with the flame of his fire.

11 Do not rise up at the presence of an insuiter,
Lest he lie in wait to entrap you in your words.

12 Do not lend to he who is mightier than yourself;
For if you lend to him, count it but lost.

13 Do not be guarantor above your ability;
For if you be guarantor, take care to pay it.

14 Do not go to law against a judge;
For they shall judge for him according to his esteem.

15 Do not travel on the way with one who is headstrong,
Lest he become burdensome to you;
For he shall do according to his own desire,
And you shall perish with him through his folly.

16 Do not strive with a man of wrath,
And do not go with him to a lonely place;
For bloodshed is naught in his sight,
And where there is no help, he shall overthrow you.

17 Do not counsel a fool;
For he does not heed advice.

18 Do not speak secrets before a stranger;
For you do not know what he shall reveal.

19 Do not open your heart to every man,
Lest he repay you craftily.