A song to the Creator.
1 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 is great and qodesh,
The most qodesh for generation after generation.
2 Excellency goes before Him,
And abundance of many waters comes after Him.
3 Kindness and truth surround His face;
Truth, right-ruling, and righteousness are the pedestal of His throne.
4 He divides light from the unknown,
And He establishes the dawn by the knowledge of His heart.
5 All His messengers sang when they saw it;
For He showed them that which they had not known.
6 He crowns the mountains with fruit,
With good food for all the living.
7 May the Aḏon of the earth be barak, along with His power;
For He establishes the world by His wisdom.
8 He stretched out the shamayim by His understanding,
And brought forth wind from His stores.
9 He made lightnings for the rain,
And raised mist from the end of the earth.